just signed up

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Sep 21, 2016
United States
Vessel Name
River Girl
Vessel Make
2004 DeFever 49 RPH
Hello all:
have been lurking in CF for some years. since i own a trawler, finally signed up for TF as well. Odd thing though I can't seem to get the daily email of new forum posts from TF that I get from CF. It's hard becoming IT illiterate so quickly
Hello all:
have been lurking in CF for some years. since i own a trawler, finally signed up for TF as well. Odd thing though I can't seem to get the daily email of new forum posts from TF that I get from CF. It's hard becoming IT illiterate so quickly


Try USER CP (top left corner)

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MESSAGING AND NOTIFICATION (about midpage) to select desired notification options
Welcome to the dark side. The format ought to look very familiar to CF. don't be afraid to post pics and tell us about your journeys.
thanks for the help, once i realized you have to open the thread to get to the tools button -all is now well
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