Kohler 8kw EOZ question on auto shutdown feature.

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Oct 9, 2024
Hello all,

Just joined the forum and just started my "Trawler life" last year.

I have a 8kw eoz Diesel w/ 1700 hrs from year 2000. The unit from one day to the other won't start. It always took about 3x to start up b4 and then it worked great. Last week it didn't start and would turn right off when start button is released. I checked fluids and all the standard stuff which all checked out. The fuel pump works and filters are changed. The fuel solenoid will pop out immediately after releasing the start button to shut her down. So, i remove the fuel solenoid to test and she will run for about 10 seconds b4 she shuts down again. I am not getting 120v at the breaker at all so since I have removed the fuel solenoid and by passed the 3 sensors (OP, Temp, Water) i know this is shutting down bc it is not making 120v so it looks like i have an issue with the backend which I will be taking off soon to look at.

My question is this. How is this unit shutting down if the fuel solenoid is disconnected? I am guessing the control board signals something to shut it down but if the fuel solenoid is off how does it shut down? Does it starve it from air somewhere?

Not knowing this is really bothering me so if anyone can explain that would be great lol. I have looked all over for this answer and cant find it. I called pro who will be coming next week but even he didn't give me a good reason why. He just said the board ground it... BUT HOW does it turn off is what is killing me to know...

If anyone has this answer it would make my week.

Welcome Aboard !

I would think that one of your sensors is being tripped ( oil pressure, temperature, I can't remember the third one.
Welcome Aboard !

I would think that one of your sensors is being tripped ( oil pressure, temperature, I can't remember the third one.
Thank you for the reply. I have three sensors which I bypassed the oil pressure sensor, the water, flow sensor, and the exhaust temperature sensor. All three of these would take a few minutes with the exception of the pressure sensor to trip, but I’ve disconnected them. The weird thing to me is the fuel solenoid tries to shut off the engine immediately after I release the start, what’s really driving me crazy how is it turning off the generator. it’s a diesel generator so it doesn’t need spark. It’s either fuel or air so that’s the question that’s bothering me on a sidenote. I’ll have somebody come out next week to have a look on it but just thought I would ask.
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