Lead or Zinc batt terminals?

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Oct 12, 2007
Always use the military style terminals , which are lead

.On Amazon this caught my eye ,Cast Zinc is a 3.6 times better conductor than cast lead?

Certainly cheaper!


  • Military grade top post battery terminal kit includes zinc military grade top post battery terminals and NCP-2 battery terminal anti-corrosion protectors
  • Lead-free zinc battery terminals; 3.6 times more conductive than lead battery terminal equivalents
  • NCP-2 battery terminal anti-corrosion protectors; lifetime guarantee to stop battery corrosion for the life of your battery and prolongs battery life
  • Maximum battery performance; get the most out of your batteries with increased conductivity and corrosion prevention
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Don't waste your money or time.
Lead is used world wide on battery posts for industrial, automotive, motorcycle, marine and many other applications for the simple reason that it works very well.
Well he's talking about battery terminals not the posts.

I've been using military style zinc terminals like these:

Military Battery Terminals

for decades with no issues. They are more robust than your average terminals, have nice big bolt to connect the wires to and they outlast the the average terminal.
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Reminder to myself....... don't post replys until second cup of morning coffee is finished
Well he's talking about battery terminals not the posts.

I've been using military style zinc terminals like these:

Military Battery Terminals

for decades with no issues. They are more robust than your average terminals, have nice big bolt to connect the wires to and they outlast the the average terminal.

I like those too. Especially nice for when you have other small cables coming off the battery in addition to the main.

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