Lehman 120 Air bleed valve broken

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Veteran Member
Jan 11, 2018
United States
Hey guys. Im looking for some advise here.

The airbleed valve on my Lehman 120 will not open to bleed air from the cooling system. The wing valve just spins, like it was broken from the valve. Im thinking I can just replace it, but wanted to make sure that the entire valve an be removed by turning it counterclockwise. Is this correct? Also, is there a place I can get a replacement?

As a side note, is there a way to repair it?


I had the same problem and they are easy to replace.
Call Brian at American Diesel. I’m sure he has any parts you need and will tell you what to do.
counterclock wise. But rock it open/closed and lubricate. Dont try to unscrew continuously. No fixing, just replace
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