Cruise RPM is dependant on single or twin, transmission gear ratio, pitch of prop, shape of hull - FD or SD, total boat weight, condition of hull bottom, sea condition wind direction and many other factors.
My 39' full displacement trawler, 40,000# with single Lehman 120 cruises at 1720 RPM @ 8 knots burning around 2 gph for 4 kmpg. It has a 2.5 to 1 transmission and is overpropped.
With slime on bottom, speed drops .1 to .3 knots.
Sandpiper has been cruising at 1720 RPM for over 22 years, 5,000+ hours without issue. Injectors are only lightly sooted when I remove them for periodic injector service.
When I install the prop shop recommended "correct prop" - not overpropped, 8 knots is at 1850 RPM and consumption increases to 2.4 gph for 3.3 kmpg. Took that prop off and had the pitch increased.