Lehman SP 135 vs. SP 225 turbo

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Veteran Member
Dec 11, 2015
United States
In a 32' trawler, what are the advantages/disadvantages of these two engines? Maintenance issues? Parts? Longevity? Noise? Ease of operation? Etc. Thanks.
Our boat is a 32 foot trawler with the sp 135. It has plenty of hp for the hull, some may say over powered. The sp 135 is a non electronic engine with simple maintanance and good parts availability.
The question is are you going to use the extra power. They are basically the same engines. But the higher powered one is turbocharged and maybe even intercooled??? I don't know the higher powered ones well. With a turbocharger and intercooler you are introducing things that could increase maintenance costs and potential problems. IOW, the engine is more complicated. So if you had a choice in a vacuum and you don't need the extra power, then the 135 would be the better choice. If you do want the extra power in a 32 foot boat, which I'd assume you are wanting to plane, then the 225 may be more desirable. You will find most people on here prefer the NA version of that engine. It has an excellent track record as a slow turning low load engine.
I would always choose naturally aspirated (the 135) over turbo any day. I have two 135s on Waterthrush and they are a (relative) joy to maintain.
You can't really use the extra horsepower of the turbochrged Lehman. My buddy had a GB 32 with a Cummins 220 hp engine. He said that anything over 2,000 rpm just pushed a bigger hole in the water.

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