Lehman SP135 Fuel Pump Removal

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Senior Member
Jan 16, 2023
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1986 Marine Trader 36 Sundeck
So today was the day to replace the fuel pump.

I got past what everyone said was the hard part - getting the nuts off the studs - no problem. Didn't even drop one (or both) of them.

However, now that I've got it loose, I can't get it out of there. It's like something is inside the engine grabbing it. It feels like the internal lever is catching on the case before there's enough room to get the mounting bracket off the studs completely. I was thinking about just prying it off with a crowbar, but then I thought I probably should ask someone first...

So here I am - asking someone.
Never mind - I figured it out.

For anyone else who might ask - jam the stop lever all the way forward with something and then turn the crank manually with a wrench 1/4 turn at a time until it pops free.

AND when you're putting the new one in, it goes in bottom first. Insert the lever, then tilt it towards you so the bottom of the pump goes forward first - before you try pushing it up on the studs. If it won't go, keep turning the crank 1/4 of a turn at a time until it does.
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