Looking for a prop nut

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Gordon J

Jul 23, 2015
Vessel Name
Didi Mau
Vessel Make
Currently looking for next boat
The yard mangled my small prop nut because the worker did not understand that the starboard prop shaft was threaded left handed. Now I am trying to find a nut for my two-inch shaft. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, as always,
Have you called a prop or shaft shop?

Or have the yard deal with it. They messed it up. Hopefully they didn't bugger up the threads on the shaft.
The yard has been looking. Threads ok, and nut will probably work, akthough chewed up from monster pipe wrench. The problem is locating nut with left-hand threads.
A machine shop should be able to clean up the existing nut. The boat's manufacturer or a good prop shop should be able to supply a replacement.

Your boat yard should be able to handle this. Asking the customer to find a replacement for a part they screwed up is pretty bad business practice.
The yard has been looking. Threads ok, and nut will probably work, akthough chewed up from monster pipe wrench. The problem is locating nut with left-hand threads.

Google marine shaft manufacturers in your area. For every shaft they make or repair they supply a nut.
Yes,. I should change yards. Nine dollars a day while i work on the boat is a lot of money.

Meanwhile, I'll see If i can get any help from OA.

Who is looking for a source, not necessarily advice
A local machine shop can make one for you.
Franks and Jimmy's prop shop in ft. Lauderdale. They have it I'm sure.
George, Deckape,

Thanks for three ideas. I will give them a call first thing in the am.

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