GonzoF1 wrote:
Breaking it down... I want to buy JD's Livingston dink. That will leave me with my 9' Avon inflatable that I will sell you for just a few hundred dollars (or less) and could ship to you. However, I can't sell you a motor. You're on your own for that. I just need to decide that I really want JD's Livingston OR he needs to make me an offer I can't refuse :-D
Here is the fuel polishing thread of my project last year:
http://www.trawlerforum.com/t41132459/the-fuel-system-upgrade-project-episode-ii/ (new tab)
Be careful though. Some of the experts here reject the need for fuel polishing (and I think there is a discussion of it near the end of this thread). Make your own decision, but I'd be weary of a surveyor saying you need one. Personally, I did one for different reasons than just polishing. It's a fuel management system, but my tanks need cleaning and no amount of polishing can fix that. Perhaps a discussion for another time. Search the forums. There is a lot of info here on the subject.