Looking for Mortise lock

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Jan 31, 2021
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Oceania Sundeck 35
Looking for replacement for our mortise lock for the sliding starboard door on our Oceania (Fu Hwa) trawler. The original skeleton key style no longer works and we have no way to secure the boat.
Pictures of the layout will help.
Looking for replacement for our mortise lock for the sliding starboard door on our Oceania (Fu Hwa) trawler. The original skeleton key style no longer works and we have no way to secure the boat.

If you are able to remove the lockset I recommend that you do so and take it to an old-fashioned Locksmith.

I had a similar issue, took the lockset to a locksmith in Tacoma WA (not sure of your location but I can provide the name if relevant) who was able to diagnose it as a medical lock used in the UK!

He ordered a replacement from the UK which turned out to be a perfect OEM replacement for the original installed when the yacht was built on Vancouver Island, Canada.
The critical requirement for me when I was looking to replace my port side mortice lock was to find one without protrusions on either side. Plenty of solutions exist if you can have a handle on one or both sides, but to have no protrusions is often critical for those of us with narrow side decks and where the door must slide fully open, so an interior handle would reduce the opening width by an unacceptable amount.
I bought two at the time, as I predict the failure of the starboard side. I am not close to my boat just now, so I can't help you with the source. If you are still without a solution when I get to my boat, hopefully before the end of April, I will let you know what I can find.
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