Maiden Voyage

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Jeff F

Nov 5, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
50` US Navy Utility trawler conversion
After five years in training on my old Mainship 34 I've made the move to a proper trawler. Just pulled into Wiarton after a 250 mile maiden voyage from Sarnia. That's a Great Harbor 47 behind me

I'm thrilled with the new boat, and have grand ambitions to travel widely in it. Will be perfecting systems and adding stabilization over the winter.

Here's a thread I started earlier on the boat.
Congrats on your new boat. We will need more photos.

Congratulations! She looks like a very fine liveaboard. And what an unusual deal you made, trading boats with the seller. That is so cool! :socool:

You've mentioned adding a heater; did you get any other ideas for modifications from your maiden voyage? I am particularly wondering if you are considering getting some bow railings fabricated. In your previous thread you mentioned using lifelines, which concerns me a bit considering the severity of your winter weather up there.

I've been subscribed to your blog for a while now and enjoy your photos and commentary immensely. Can't wait to read about your heater installation!

Cheers and Stay Safe,
Mrs. Trombley

You've mentioned adding a heater; did you get any other ideas for modifications from your maiden voyage? I am particularly wondering if you are considering getting some bow railings fabricated. In your previous thread you mentioned using lifelines, which concerns me a bit considering the severity of your winter weather up there.

I'm not that dogmatic on the need for secure railings, but it's moved up my list. Need to have a railing at the pilothouse doors for sure and will probably wrap around from there forward.

I'm focused this winter on heat for the whole boat, air conditioning in the pilothouse, a robust electrical system to support this and the thrusters, house needs, etc, stabilization, and general attention to safety and comfort underway which includes handholds and railings inside and out. There are a lot of open spaces where it would be easy to get thrown around and hurt. Also need to make some improvements to mooring cleats and chocks.

Winter is pretty easy to deal with when plugged in and covered.
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