Maintenance in exotic locations

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Nov 23, 2007
BC, canada
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
C&L 44
This year's projects accomplished so far, while cruising in desolation Sound:

1 further diagnosis of persistent genset issues;
The charging stops when the voltage reduces to 100v. This occurs when the load decreases, such as when the charger goes into float from acceptance. Load changes confirmed when I added a 1500w heater. Voltage goes back up to 125v and charging resumes.
Notes prepared for Inlet Marine when I get back, to see what could be the root of the issue.

2 anchor light replaced. This only took 2 guys 3 hours. first had to get the mast head within reach, then found the old light was twisted in the bayonet
fitting, so not contacting the terminals, then found that the bulb (relatively new LED) didn't work, then found the wire frayed almost through where it passed through the wall into the main cabin. Spare LED bulb now in place and functional.

3 float switch on main bilge pump replaced from spares. This led to inspecting and testing both other bilge pump float switches and found all were non functioning. Two came in at the Cortes Island marine store at Squirrel Cove, so all now functional.

4 re-fastened support battens on stringers in bilge. These were installed in 1994 when I had owned this boat less than 1 week. The brass screws used then lasted till now, but were breaking, one by one, allowing the shelves they support to drop into the bilges. All now supported on SS screws. Should last 27 yrs more. Note: All stringer locations here are ~1/4" fibreglass, no wood.
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