Maretron J1939 gateway and JD transmission oil temp

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Jul 3, 2018
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Kadey Krogen 52-01
Recently installed a Maretron J1939 gateway. Getting all engine data but no transmission oil temp data. The John Deere view shows the transmission oil temp so I know it’s on the J1939 network. I’ve configured the Maretron J1939 gateway to transmit PGN127493 so it should be sending transmission data. Anyone with JD engine and Maretron J1939 gateway getting transmission data on the N2K network?
You might find that the engine data and transmission data are two different node addresses on J1939. Mine were with my Deere engine. I think the Maretron config software allows you to scan the J1939 side via the J2K100 config page to see what devices are present. If you find another device, try setting up the J2K100 to use that device and see if trans data now passes through. If so, it will confirm that the data is there, just under a different mode addess.

If you find the data is there, the unfortunate thing is that you will need a second J2K100 to then display it since each will only pass data for a single device. You set one up for engine data, and the other for transmission data. Annoying, to say the least.
Thanks TT, i should have noticed that on the config page. Sort of sucks that the Maretron is only able to pass through one node from the J1939.


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Thanks TT, i should have noticed that on the config page. Sort of sucks that the Maretron is only able to pass through one node from the J1939.

It does suck. Based on that screen, if you change the "J1939 device to translate" from 0 to 3, I'll bet the transmission data will show up in the N2K side, but the engine data will disappear. That would confirm what the issue is, and how to fix it.
TT, yes I did switch to J1939 node 3 and only received the transmission data and no engine data. As a temporary work around I kept my Yacht Devices J1939 gateway to forward the transmission data. As I said in my original post the Yacht Devices J1939 gateway works but was flaky with intermittent dropouts. If I lose my transmission oil temp once in a while it’s no big deal.

I reached out to Maretron support and requested a firmware update to allow more than one J1939 to be forwarded. There’s no reason that the J2K100 shouldn’t be able to do this.

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