Meanwhile, this morning in Jersey City.

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Nov 1, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1984 Fu Hwa 39
A friend working on his boat this morning posted this, commenting, 'That's one way to access the engine room".

A sad waste. Possibly.


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That's a long stretch for the shafts before they reach the struts.
I wouldn't really view it as a waste. It's long ago reached the end of it's life expectancy. Those old Chris or Egg or Trojan or Pacemakers or whatever Jersey-built boat it is (was) were never built with the idea they would be around for 50 years.
Nothing compares to a walk-in engine room!
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Still, it always makes me sad to see an old woodie in that condition.
Hmm--Wonder how those davits would fit on my boat? Another project?
My guess is they are disposing of the boat and ripped it open to get at the engines to remove them for recycling,.
....... Those old....Pacemakers....were never built with the idea they would be around for 50 years.

I don't know.....I grew up on a Pacemaker and most of my positive recollections from my youth revolve around that boat. As a result, I am horribly biased, but that seemed like a mighty fine boat to me. We had a Richardson, a Manson, and a Pacemaker...that was the best by far. My dad was pretty conservative with it, but I remember a few runs up Buzzards Bay into a very angry head sea that cured my mother's atheism while my father and the kids were ooohing and ahhing like it was a fireworks show as the waves came over the bow. Ahhh...good times.
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Save the parts and get a bucket of superglue.
....probably just a fuel tank replacement. :eek:

A little bondo and elbow grease and that'll buff right out. :D
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