Missing Using My Boat

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Oct 31, 2011
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Integrity 386
Greater Sydney is currently in "Lockdown" which essentially means "Do Not Leave Home" save for authorized exceptions. Here is an extension of exceptions, as related to boating: https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/maritime/covid-19-update.html
You`ll see sailing is allowed on the basis of "exercise", a permitted exception. However, power boat recreational and cruising usage is not permitted, so using the boat is out. Visiting it to check systems, lines, etc, is ok, I carry a print of the above to show any over eager policeman.
Behind this, I think, is that usage would encourage/facilitate interaction between boats,people, with suppliers, marina, etc. It`s an extension of not leaving home/not visiting another home, to reduce spread. We`ve had it for 5 weeks, I`m expecting another 5, though we`ve made little headway so far. Latest Govt. move, recognizing that, is we`ll have to vaccinate our way out of it, so vaccination is being greatly encouraged, even AZ, for 18s>.
I`ll say no more about that for fear of a lightning strike, but it is sad, when life to a great extent revolves around the boat, using it is prohibited. I`m the kind who looks to go with the spirit of the Govt. edicts rather than seek loopholes, so I accept, reluctantly, the restrictions. Not that there`s any option.

When I mentioned this once before, someone thought it uproariously funny, mixed with an exercise of schadenfreude. I`m not seeking sympathy, this is how it is, but equally I`m not seeking abusive trolling. Or anything really. Feel free to ignore. That said, for a boat owner/user, it`s no fun,and actually quite frustrating.

Is anyone else under or been under restrictions like this? I`d guess not, judging from posts on TF. I just hope the pain leads to gain.
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That's rough. I get how one thing leads to another (you are on your boat, friends stop on the dock to chat, etc.), so not saying they are doing the wrong thing (certainly can't argue with your success up till now). But it would be nice if you could at least go hang out aboard. I feel for you.

You asked if anyone else had anything similar. Not exactly, but my boat was in the middle of a project which for one, and then another Covid-related reason was not able to be completed. So no use of it for the duration.

But that was going to be okay, because it's a small day boat and I was going to be getting a trawler! (Started shopping December of 2019...) Seemed like it went straight from "boat shopping is really not a good idea" in early 2020, to "you are looking for a boat? Ha ha ha ha ha, there aren't any*" starting in late 2020 and continuing now :facepalm:

Hoping for the best for you and your community. Definitely empathizing.


*And if you do find one it's priced 50% over pre-Covid and you have two hours to decide on a major purchase before someone else snaps it up
On top of not using the boat, today we are isolating at home. In a local supermarket the same time as someone now diagnosed,so awaiting test result.
We scan in using a "QR" system phone app, for entering a business. If someone who was there when you were tests +ve, in theory you get told, though I found out checking local exposure sites after a radio alert.
This time around we are in very similar position: no recreational boating during this lockdown. There are only 5 reasons we can leave home at present, and checking on a boat is not one of them. But one of the 5 reasons is exercise, and I can ride my (electric) bicycle the 4 km distance to get to the boat since riding a bike is allowed exercise.

So I'll ride there, stay on board a night, then ride home late the following day. And likely alternate nights at home and on the boat going forwards. I'm always able to find something to do R&M-wise when on the boat. At home cabin fever is a real risk.....
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This time around we are in very similar position: no recreational boating during this lockdown. There are only 5 reasons we can leave home at present, and checking on a boat is not one of them. But one of the 5 reasons is exercise, and I can ride my (electric) bicycle the 4 km distance to get to the boat since riding a bike is allowed exercise.

So I'll ride there, stay on board a night, then ride home late the following day. And likely alternate nights at home and on the boat going forwards. I'm always able to find something to do R&M-wise when on the boat. At home cabin fever is a real risk.....
Interesting Brian. I doubt there is an "exercise" component in overnighting onboard. Not permitted here, I hope it is in Queensland.
Meanwhile, still "in iso" here, awaiting test results.
Yep, Qld. All locked down. My new boat is in Mackay so I can't get up there as yet. need to get there so i can haul her out and get the hull ready for the south bound voyage scheduled for last 1/2 Sept.
had to cancel a shore holiday this week but it is all for the betterment of the whole community.
I have a daughter who can not have any of the vacs available at present due to anaphylactic reactions. So she is a bit paranoid about the whole outside thing. Gayle and I have both had our 2 AZ shots. Just hoping the lockdown is lifted in the next 10 days. All in all we have as a country done pretty well.
Hey, Benn, what's this about a new boat..? Maybe start a new thread and tell us all about it. And as you know, we'll need photos, or it doesn't exist... :D
Yep, Qld. All locked down. My new boat is in Mackay so I can't get up there as yet. need to get there so i can haul her out and get the hull ready for the south bound voyage scheduled for last 1/2 Sept....
Congratulations on the new boat!
This thread was closed because after it had run for several posts, it was felt it had served its purpose, and that further posts may not be congruent with the guidelines, and Tidahapa's new boat, and the invitation by me to start a new thread to tell us about that, seemed a good point to close it on.
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