Dingy: you have a mast and boom, so put a block at the end of the boom and run your lifting line through it.
Mast: mine has radar on it, so is fairly heavy. It goes down for every time I go into my shelter. I had a frame fabbed, of 1.25" Alu, in an "A", that fastens to the mast above the boom, and when I drop the mast it swings down as legs for the mast to rest on. I attach a line to the underside of the Radar mount, which is as high up as I can reach comfortably, from standing on the storage box below it. This one part tackle is adequate, provided I brace my foot against the railing while lowering. Raising is easier. The only trick is releasing the pin that locks the mast in its collar at the flybridge deck level, and getting up to hold the tackle before the mast starts to fall over on its own. This is easier when the boom is raised, as the COG is further forward, the weight of the radar on the front, balancing the boom on the back.