New Coastal Explorer UI

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Nov 24, 2013
Vessel Name
Keeper IV
Vessel Make
44 Viking ACMY
I was playing with the new version and the different User Interface while they were offering it for beta before release.
The time has come to either upgrade or stay behind. I typically always upgrade to the latest and greatest versions of software however this has me pausing.

Has anyone upgraded? Are you happy with the new version?
It just seems like a steeper than normal learning curve this time.

Oh, this is not meant to create a MFD vs PC thread so please don't go there.
I upgraded. It was seamless. Having used the "alternate" UI before, there was no problem. The whole process took about 10 minutes. The internet connection to their server was a bit slow. Works great.
I'm kind of neutral on the upgrade to the new UI. I'm getting used to it, but I really miss being able to right click on a chart and get tide levels/current conditions. It's a lot more mouse clicks away now.

I upgraded. Still finding where they've hidden all the features, but I'm planning to like it eventually.:rolleyes:

Ask me again in September. Leaving for Tacoma tomorrow, yacht club investiture Tuesday, headin' north Thursday.
I've been using it 100% over the past 6 weeks, and have come to really like it. At first I struggled to find things, but like anything new, it just takes a little getting used to. Initially I found myself going back to the old UI to do things, but now I don't think I've gone back in several weeks. There are a few things I'd like to see different and have reported them, but don't know what the outcome will be.
I've been using it 100% over the past 6 weeks, and have come to really like it. At first I struggled to find things, but like anything new, it just takes a little getting used to. Initially I found myself going back to the old UI to do things, but now I don't think I've gone back in several weeks. There are a few things I'd like to see different and have reported them, but don't know what the outcome will be.
How are you flipping between the two? Are you running both versions simultaneously ?
How are you flipping between the two? Are you running both versions simultaneously ?

By pressing F6 you could switch back and forth, but they only ran that for May.

I'm resigned to using it. I too think things seem more hidden, but the old version does have some issues and they won't get better on their own.

I like to see TT has it figured out and is happy. So I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I'm kind of neutral on the upgrade to the new UI. I'm getting used to it, but I really miss being able to right click on a chart and get tide levels/current conditions. It's a lot more mouse clicks away now.


If you have a keyboard, use [SHIFT][T] for tide, [SHIFT][C] for current for the location your cursor resides. There are many documented as well as undocumented features that are pretty helpful. It helps to review the documentation (RTFM).

I sent a note about the size of the instrument panel in 4.0, there's an undocumented way to adjust the pixel width of the panel, it perfectly solved the problem I had with it. CE support is responsive.

If any CE users haven't made use of the new route feature, it's well worth working through the instructional to learn it, particularly if you frequently use the same sections of route in combination. (read: ICW planning). A bit of a learning curve, but well worth the effort.
This sounds promising​. I agree that if TT likes it we'll probably survive.
I upgraded. Still finding where they've hidden all the features, but I'm planning to like it eventually.:rolleyes:

Much the same for me. After 2-3 weeks I was able to find most things. Starting creation of a new route still has me baffled however. Doesn't seem to work as described. Fork route works fine.
Much the same for me. After 2-3 weeks I was able to find most things. Starting creation of a new route still has me baffled however. Doesn't seem to work as described. Fork route works fine.
That's what I found troubling as well.
There is an auto route creation feature that I haven't tried, but you can just ignore it and route creation works pretty much the same as before.

Bottom center of the screen there is a +New button. Click that and select creating a route.

Click your first point and an "A" will appear at the start location.

Now just go click your next point and it will start creating a route the old way.

Keep clicking points until you are done.

With the smart route creation feature, I think after the "A" gets set after the first click, I think you can go located and click the end point of your route, and it will fill in between, but I could be completely wrong about that since I haven't really used it.

I think if you give yourself some time to acclimate, and know that it will be a bit frustrating at first, you will come to like it. One thing I really like is that they have made it much more suited to use with a touch screen. Most things are single clicks now instead of right clicks. I'm actually looking forward to installing a touch screen on my fly bridge so I can run from up there on a mirrored screen, and not have to haul a keyboard and mouse around.

But as you use it, don't hesitate to give them feedback. They really listen.
If you re-use pieces of routes, or want to include a section of another route on the route you're planning, the route segment sharing is the way to go. It's particularly helpful in ICW planning- I have a multitude of routes that I've accumulated over the almost 10 yrs cruising the ICW with CE. The problem is, you typically use the same route, but the day's run doesn't coincide with the saved route. Enter the segment sharing function. Makes it much easier to re-use routes, altering the start/stop points without the need to create a completely new route. There's a YouTube video that demos how to use it, it can be a bit of a learning curve, but use it a bit, and you'll master it quickly.

Since I typically route plan on the laptop, and use the ship's computer to navigate, I'll plan the route on the laptop in the evening, then export it to a named file. I'll then copy it to the Nav file directory on the ship's computer, or just retrieve it from the laptop via the network to the ship's computer in the morning before heading out. That way, I maintain an inventory of saved routes to choose from that's independent of the "Voyage file" I'm using.

I have created different "voyage files" for use in various regions; for ex, I have a ICW North.nob and ICW south.nob file, since the routes for north/south travel vary according to the direction of travel. I also name saved routes with a directional orientation as well. As an ex. one route is Brswk-Port Royal OS. Another for inside travel, you get the idea. Another "voyage file" is for the Bahamas, Another for Canadian travel, New England, Chesapeake, etc. I find that it helps keep the file size smaller and more manageable, and also helps to better organize content- tracks, routes, marks, etc.

If you're only using a portion of CE's capabilities, push yourself a bit to explore some of its untapped potential. It's not difficult to learn, worth the effort!

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