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Mar 5, 2015
I have garnered much information in the past from these threads so I thought I would join. I lost my sailboat last year from an ice flow which took her to the rocks and am now beginning my search for a trawler. My search has lead me to an Oceania 38, but I cannot find one thing about them on-line. Any information would be a great help. Thanks for the site.
I have garnered much information in the past from these threads so I thought I would join. I lost my sailboat last year from an ice flow which took her to the rocks and am now beginning my search for a trawler. My search has lead me to an Oceania 38, but I cannot find one thing about them on-line. Any information would be a great help. Thanks for the site.


Chung Hwa Boats (CHB) made a model called the Oceania in Taiwan in the 1980's. An Oceania probably has the same hull as my 38' Fu Hwa which was made in another yard owned by the same boat group. You might do an internet search on "Taiwan's Venerable Trawlers". Taiwan made boats are often criticized for having leaky windows and teak decks. Mild steel fuel tanks subject to rusting through are another issue. Be sure to get a good survey if you intend to buy.
I have garnered much information in the past from these threads so I thought I would join. I lost my sailboat last year from an ice flow which took her to the rocks and am now beginning my search for a trawler. My search has lead me to an Oceania 38, but I cannot find one thing about them on-line. Any information would be a great help. Thanks for the site.

Welcome to the forum Petesbees! I inquired about one of these in Ontario, Canada. It may be the same one you are looking at. The selling broker told me that the boat was sold. That was about 3 weeks ago but the ad has not been removed. I sent a follow up to make sure it really was sold, but they didn't reply :-(
A broker that I have been working with told me that the Oceania's were built by CHB in Taiwan.
Welcome and good luck with your search.
Welcome to the forum . Can't wait to see what you get .
Welcome aboard.

Where will you keep the boat?
I'll be back in NYC next week.

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