New to the forum

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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2016
Vessel Name
Northern Star
Vessel Make
Bristol 42 1970
I just discovered this forum a few weeks ago and I'm finally checkin' in. I've been involved in the repair, maintenance, and building of boats for about 45 years. Self employed for over 30 years. The majority of the boats have been sailboats big and small. I love sailing, but as my wife and are are approaching retirement,we are planning to live aboard and rent or sell our house (assuming we like living aboard as much as we think we will). To that end I have been restoring a 1970 42' Bristol trawler. Single Cat D333, 4'6" draft, 13'6" beam. With 3000 hours of work into it so far, the project is well over the hump. We expect to head south ( from New Jersey) in the fall of 2017 and see what happens. Anyway, just saying hello and looking forward to being a part of the forum. Woodscrew
Welcome and good luck with your project. Wish I had the skills and patience for such an undertaking.
Welcome, post some picture please. I am headlong in a project myself
Welcome to the forum. Bristol 42 is a great boat .
Welcome aboard. Pictures would really be great. We'd all love to see your project!
Thanks guys. As soon as my wife helps me figure out how to do it I'll post some pics. Woodscrew
Welcome aboard, a few more posts and you can post some pics of your project. Look forward to seeing them.
Thanks guys. As soon as my wife helps me figure out how to do it I'll post some pics. Woodscrew

Welcome aboard... you'll find a friendly bunch and lots of info here at TF

I believe they restrict photo posting until you have a few posts... not sure how many but if you have difficulty just try again later.
Welcome aboard, woodscrew! I removed the controls that limit your posting of links for the first 10 posts so you could more easily post pics of your project, if you are so inclined. Some of us (often pilots) do better with pictures that the written word. :hide:

Here's a great thread put together to help newbies learn how the site software works.|-help-tips-etc-5739.html

This post specifically addresses posting photos.
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