New to Us GB Europa 52

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Senior Member
Mar 8, 2015
Vessel Name
Lemon Drops
Vessel Make
2001 Grand Banks Europa 52
Hi there,

We are considering a 2001 GB Europa 52 with the upgraded Cat C9 engines. We will be new to the GB family coming from the Mainship 430 aft cabin trawler family, and we're looking for attributes we should be looking for on the survey. Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks - Jim
2001 GB is near new. upgraded engines, get the details of what that means as was discussed here in another thread. Rebuild or replace parts that needed it, when?
Otherwise all the same stuff for any boat shopping.
C9's at that vintage (2001) are HEUI pump engines. Those pumps can need replacing, CAT will have replacements readily available - suggest call CAT in your area and find out a price for two. They are not particularly cheap...

Also need to see service history on the aftercoolers on the C9s. Should be regular annual maintenance (flush with Rydlyme or similar) and new cores every 6 to 8 years.

HEUI pumps and aftercoolers are the known weak points on the C9s, there is lots posted on the web about that. If those are good, then that is an excellent start.

GB52 is a great boat, big and strong. Solid glass hull.

Hope it works out for you, it would be a fun boat to own.

Thanks all.

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