News from Hope Town Abaco

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Dec 13, 2018
I received this from the good folks at Hope Town Hideaways, Sep. 10, 2019:


Dear Friends,

We write to inform you of the current status of things in Hope Town after the wrath of Hurricane Dorian.

Mass evacuations are taking place for Marsh Harbor, Elbow Cay and all cays and settlements to the north with the injured, sick, elderly, women and children being first in line to be rescued. The USCG and Royal Bahamas Defense Force are not allowing civilians into Abaco. Both places are virtually uninhabitable and only necessary personnel are allowed to remain.

To all our future rental clients who have a confirmed booking, due to the devastation in Hope Town & Marsh Harbour, it is very uncertain how long it will take to get infrastructure restored. As soon as we can assess and review your booking details we will issue you a full refund unless you wish to wait and see what transpires over the next few weeks or months. It will take us some time as we to have had to evacuate and set up a temporary office in Nassau. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Some of you who have confirmed reservations with Hope Town Hideaways, have expressed an interest in making donations of part of your initial payment or all of your reservation payment to help rebuild - The 3 charities we recommend are Hope Town Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Head Knowles or Perc Abaco. We would gladly make a donation on your behalf. We will need instructions in writing from you stating which charity you wish to support, the amount you wish to donate and if possible your reservation contract number. In order to issue a refund we will need you to provide the following so we can send you a USD draft.

Mailing Address
For those of you who have enquired about our staff & the property caretakers that live in Hope Town – all are accounted for with the exception of several housekeepers who worked directly for Hope Town Hideaways. Praying that they all survived somehow. Almost all that survived have lost absolutely everything they own including their livelihood but by the grace of God they are still alive.

We are so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love & support that we are receiving from all of you and pray you are blessed abundantly.

Hope springs eternal with God on your side!

Chris & Samara Albury and the Hope Town Hideaways team

Hope Town Hideaways
Service You Deserve. People You Can Trust.
Hope Town, Abaco
Almost all that survived have lost absolutely everything they own including their livelihood

Lost everything. That's a hard thing for people to get their head around when they are watching this on the news.
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