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Feb 9, 2024
Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm recently retired, and new to boating. I hail from Deep River CT, but will be moving my vessel to Westbrook, CT in the spring. My first boat was a bit challenging (had to replace the long block and a lot more). I also realized that a 28' express cruiser is not the layout I want going forward. I have a full family with grandkids and think that a trawler might be a better choice. I plan to do 2-3 day cruises to Long Island, Narragansett, Mystic etc. and want to be comfortable and safe. I've listed my 2004 Four Wings 268 Vista and have started searching. Ideally, I will find a diesel as the boats I am looking at are 20+ years old and I don't want to go through another motor replacement. I have done them in cars, and am not afraid of the work, but pulling an engine in a boat is more than I am equipped for. Might tap some of you for advice as I go along. So far I have seen a couple of Mainships (32-36 feet) that I might consider but just started looking. I am still not 100% decided on a trawler vs a larger express cruiser, but I do have some time as my boat is just getting listed today.
I look forward to meeting some of you in the weeks and months (or maybe years) ahead.
Welcome aboard. You're wise to leave your options open as to what "style" of boat will suit your needs. As you say, perhaps a larger express cruiser might fit better BUT, TF is the place to get a good variety of opinions...
Ken welcome aboard TF.
My standard advice for anyone looking is...

Define your cruising style... how do you intend using the boat.
With that in mind..
What are the must haves?
What would be nice but not essential?
What are the "don't want" items?

Have your spouse / SO do the same...
Compare notes, compromise & combine the lists.
Look as as many boats as possible, talk to owners but always ask them their style and what they like/ don't like about their boat.
With that level of interest, if you can engage an owner they will invite you aboard for a quick tour. Keep notes to return to to refresh memory.

Good luck with the search.
Welcome to the forums. Curious to learn what you eventually end up with.
Welcome aboard! Enjoy your search for your next boat. Should be fun!
Welcome aboard !
Either should work and that gives you more to choose from. Good luck selling! Choose carefully buying. Diesels usually have a much longer lifespan than gas engines.
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