I would refuse a boat where the radar radiates my body or brain! One reason for my mast-mounted radar was to keep the radiation far away. ... Eric, hope they don't have the radar on while in the marina next to you. ... Curious as to the range of this "low range" unit.
I would refuse a boat where the radar radiates my body or brain! One reason for my mast-mounted radar was to keep the radiation far away. ... Eric, hope they don't have the radar on while in the marina next to you. ... Curious as to the range of this "low range" unit.
That Lowrance unit is a "Broadband" radar with extremely low emissions. It is the safest of all radars, and can be mounted anywhere. Broadband radar has fewer emissions than a mobile phone. ...
So the seller claims.
I don't exceed cell-phone use of 40 minutes a month!
Microwave ovens were the result of radars melting a scientist's chocolate bars in his pocket.
So, I'm microwave shy!
The radiation (or lack thereof) issue aside, it seems like someone's mission was to mount the radar in the place it would be least effective, get in the way the most, get drenched in salt water, inhibit visibility from the helm, and as a result make the owner look just plain dumb. Will be interesting to see how long it stays there.