On board instruments? Guitar? Harmonica?

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Jul 25, 2011
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Cajun Rose
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Does anyone play an instrument on cruises? I’ll sit in the seat for 8-10 hours on a typical trip. Maybe a Ukulele
Does anyone play an instrument on cruises? I’ll sit in the seat for 8-10 hours on a typical trip. Maybe a Ukulele
A big fat horn to shake the neighborhood [emoji2]

One of my favourite places is Pendrell Sound.
One reason is an evening at anchor there, when, at sunset, someone played Taps, very well, on a trumpet. That was soon followed by What a Wonderful World. The whole anchorage applauded.
Regretfully, I left those skills behind when I left High School. I still appreciate anyone who can make music, especially while in one of my favourite places.
I mess around with a guitar for my own amusement/stress relief. Usually it’s with a beer or vino after the work’s done.


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We always have a ukulele on board that my wife and daughter play. I think we'll start packing a six string along as well.
Still keep the ole Tuba on the lounge for spontaneous concertos. Never get any applause though. Thinking about switching it out for bagpipes.


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We always travel with a keyboard and guitar....just in case we meet people who can actually play them :)
I have a 1963 vintage Epiphone Riviera that I bought new in high school. It's an amazing blues guitar. My son had it the back seat of my Cadillac on the way home from a jam session, the night he crashed the caddy and died. The guitar had the neck broke off in the crash. I lost everything that night. Amazingly with the help of his Blues mentor I got it repaired and it plays amazing but I haven't gotten the motivation to play it since. God, I miss him.
not really but maybe when winter goes away in Iowa, and the boat floats again. I just don't feel the guitar motivation my son played it better than I could dream of.


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Sorry for your loss capn.I can't begin to imagine the pain.

My uncle builds ukuleles and he gave me these three. I carry one every now and then. I can’t play worth a crap but it’s fun trying. They’re small enough to not get in the way.


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Ukulele, for sure. I have a nice one and take with me on cruises. It’s small, sounds pleasant, and is actually quite easy to learn to play. I often accompany YouTube play along videos which show you the chords, and have good musicians playing.. you just accompany them https://youtu.be/rUl8WrkVfTY it’s awesome!
Damn Capn, Thats horrible. Take it one day at a time.
Still keep the ole Tuba on the lounge for spontaneous concertos. Never get any applause though. Thinking about switching it out for bagpipes.

Larry, bagpipes are only a half-measure. If you’re wanting positive attention at an anchorage, shift around some of those pillows and install one of these. (Just note that you may have to update your house bank first.)


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I took a "thinline" acoustic (-electric) guitar along on our ICW trip, kept it on a folding stand and played it occasionally once we were parked for the winter. Had it in a soft case, and that seemed to work OK. The whole contraption takes up some space, though...

not really but maybe when winter goes away in Iowa, and the boat floats again. I just don't feel the guitar motivation my son played it better than I could dream of.

Capn I am so sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing the pictures with us here on TF. I have heard so many times that it just not right for our kids to go before us. this year will be 10 years since we lost our daughter the day she finished college.

Capn when and if the time is right you will pick up that guitar in his honor. I know your very thankful to the mentor that was able to rebuild it
I've always thought one of these would be dandy for the boat. It's an 1840's melodeon. The legs fold up. The pedal provides the power. One upside is that it will never go out of tune. One downside is that it does not have a case. A second is that it's made with hide glue which is sensitive to damp. But the most important downside is that there is absolutely no connection between the music notated on the page, my eyes, my brain, and my fingers.

(We've got two of these little folding reed organs. I'm finally, after 30 years, finishing the restoration on the one pictured, making the missing swell pedal and associated parts. The second is a total basket case but I now have the repair materials in hand, and I've started. Entertainingly (to some), I bought a third, larger melodeon last weekend. Could not resist the price ($36.(!)) and it has a lovely rosewood case, removable legs, almost works, but lacks its pedals.)


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Still keep the ole Tuba on the lounge for spontaneous concertos. Never get any applause though. Thinking about switching it out for bagpipes.

"A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the bagpipes but refrains from doing so."

- Oscar Wilde

He never mentioned tubas....:socool:
I always travel with my Martin HD28V. Love how it echoes off the trees in a remote anchorage.


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Being a guitar maker (hobby luthier), my concerns are the changing humidity and temperatures. Can't see steel strings staying bright very long. I certainly wouldn't be taking an expensive Martin or something on a boat for more than a day trip. Keep the guitars in their case with a humidity device. My .02.

Being a guitar maker (hobby luthier), my concerns are the changing humidity and temperatures. Can't see steel strings staying bright very long. I certainly wouldn't be taking an expensive Martin or something on a boat for more than a day trip. Keep the guitars in their case with a humidity device. My .02.


Our Boat neighbor keeps his in sealed travel case with damp rid it probably helps some
Dave E,

Thanks for the concerns but please rest assured that this instrument gets the utmost care. Humidity levels are monitored as well as temperatures and strings get wiped down after every playing opportunity. The strings get changed very regularly regardless of where I take it, nothing like the sounds of new strings. I take care of this guitar and check it every time it goes into and comes out of its case. I have a Martin authorized repair shop look at it regularly and they continue to tell me everything is fine. It went from Vashon Island up to the Broughtons on a 42 day trip and did just fine. We live in Eastern Washington where I am more concerned about lack of humidity and temperature extremes than on our boat. But I appreciate your concerns and hope this explaination helps.
Being a guitar maker (hobby luthier), my concerns are the changing humidity and temperatures. Can't see steel strings staying bright very long. I certainly wouldn't be taking an expensive Martin or something on a boat for more than a day trip. Keep the guitars in their case with a humidity device. My .02.


Very good points. OTOH, I have a couple nice guitars that are in excellent shape and very well stored. I just don't play them much anymore. I'd prefer to have an instrument that gets used and gets damaged than an instrument that sits in its case and stays in pristine condition.
Boating's probably less of a problem for your guitar if it is simply a piece of wood and a pickup. Or carbon fiber.


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I sometimes take an acoustic guitar, or a hurdy gurdy with me on longer solo trips (I usually don't want to subject anyone else to my noises).
One time, though, I brought my whole band along:
I certainly wouldn't be taking an expensive Martin or something on a boat for more than a day trip. Keep the guitars in their case with a humidity device. My .02.
I agree with not taking a nice wood guitar along, but that's what carbon fiber is for. Not that I play it well, but I have a Rainsong I could take along, though the hard case certainly takes up a bit more space than a thin electric.
Wifey B: We sing and I play the keyboard. We also have background music, much like karaoke for just singing or songs we don't have sheet music for. Music is a very fun part of our lives and we love taking it with us. Also, tennis rackets and a basketball but have to get off the boat to use them. ;)
Still keep the ole Tuba on the lounge for spontaneous concertos. Never get any applause though. Thinking about switching it out for bagpipes.

Played the ole Sousaphone myself in the Fighting Gator Marching Band “back in the day” (as my youngest son would say).

We have lots of storage onboard, but after 45+ years without sputtering into a brass mouthpiece I can do without! [emoji41]

I do love to listen to just about any style of music, and wouldn’t deny for a moment anyone who is exercising their talent (?) regardless of how others hear it!


Jerry & Sam Williams
Looping aboard Tanuki
Great Harbour N37

I used to keep this Neil Peart style Time Machine drum kit on my boat. Only trouble was, there wasn't room for me to be on the boat with it.
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