Panama Posse Rally

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Mar 21, 2019
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1970 Willard 36 Trawler
Panama Posse kick-off is Oct 27th out of San Diego. Panama Posse is a looseknit group of cruisers departing from US West Coast at approximiately same time and headed to various destinations including Baja, South Pacific, Caribbean, US East Coast, and trans-Atlantic.

185 vessels right now, including SV Delos (if anyone follows their YouTube channel); and a dozen or so powerboats, mostly Nordhavn but also a Bayliner 45 and a smattering of Hatts.

Panama Posse.jpg
OK, it's $300 to sign up.

What am I getting for my $$$$$ :):):)
OK, it's $300 to sign up.

What am I getting for my $$$$$ :):):)
I'm not affiliated in any way with Panama Posse or Baja Ha Ha. Had I been ready to leave, I would have joined the Ha Ha as the organizational structure would be a good "on-ramp " for my wide and I to get going. Having lived in SF for years, home of the Ha Ha and Latitude38 magazine, my impression is that rallies like these provide a date-certain for departure for many folks. And the logistics support such as marina reservations, minor safety-net in case of emergency, etc. Personally, for some folks, I believe $300 provides a lot of value. A proverbial drop in the bucket that provides a velvet-glove nudge to head off cruising in the company of like-minded people.

Of course, many experienced cruisers claim rallies erode the cruising experience as running in a herd is a barrier to immersion into the cultural aspects of traveling.

But to answer your question about what you get in return, I can't say for certain. But I doubt the organizers are getting rich. May subsidize their passion a bit. The one Ha Ha I did on a friend's boat was fun, but it sure looked like it was a PITA for the organizers.

Different strokes....

I'm not affiliated in any way with Panama Posse or Baja Ha Ha. Had I been ready to leave, I would have joined the Ha Ha as the organizational structure would be a good "on-ramp " for my wide and I to get going. Having lived in SF for years, home of the Ha Ha and Latitude38 magazine, my impression is that rallies like these provide a date-certain for departure for many folks. And the logistics support such as marina reservations, minor safety-net in case of emergency, etc. Personally, for some folks, I believe $300 provides a lot of value. A proverbial drop in the bucket that provides a velvet-glove nudge to head off cruising in the company of like-minded people.

Of course, many experienced cruisers claim rallies erode the cruising experience as running in a herd is a barrier to immersion into the cultural aspects of traveling.

But to answer your question about what you get in return, I can't say for certain. But I doubt the organizers are getting rich. May subsidize their passion a bit. The one Ha Ha I did on a friend's boat was fun, but it sure looked like it was a PITA for the organizers.

Different strokes....


Peter, You're sure buying into a lot of grief if the spelling highlighted above was intentional!:D
If not, you'd better hope that your "wide" doesn't see the post!:whistling:

On another note, I, to am interested in seeing what you get for your $300.00, as we are going to be doing that route next year, at about the same time. . . .
I don't mind spending $300 not at all

The reality of it is that my boat and I are in Ensenada and there are several other people that are leaving around the same time and we will probably keep in touch with each other.

I suppose just for my portion of the trip I don't need marina reservations because I'm pretty good at calling marina's my Spanish is pretty good and have no problem making a reservation

That and the fact is that I've already have a slip in La Paz waiting for me
Peter, You're sure buying into a lot of grief if the spelling highlighted above was intentional!:D
If not, you'd better hope that your "wide" doesn't see the post!:whistling:

On another note, I, to am interested in seeing what you get for your $300.00, as we are going to be doing that route next year, at about the same time. . . .
Ha! I mostly post from my phone with fat thumbs.

I have very little experience with rallies. My wife ('wide') and I have been together for years and love the cruising we've done, but, now retired, are looking at a much more extended lifestyle. It's been a long time since we've done something like this, and she's a bit nervous, especially about some of the physical aspects and being able to do overnight runs. She's also excited about visiting small towns and sampling local food and meeting people. I view these are normal concerns, and a rally would put us with many others with similar concerns and experience. It's a good glide path, at least for us. A couple weeks and some newfound friends and you're off to wherever you want to go.

From a practical perspective, I believe the greatest value a cruiser rally brings is weather routing. You can prepare for a lot of stuff at dockside, but weather skills take some trial and error to correlate what you expect with what you experience. Rally organizers chose seasonally beneficial times, and assist in forecasting what conditions to expect. By the time a boat gets to Cabo, they have a decent head start on making weather related decisions.

As mentioned, we had hoped to make the Ha Ha that starts in a few weeks (same time as Panama Posse and CUBAR). Instead, ad are looking at a Feb 1 shove-off, and will probably head fairly quickly to Mazatlan, perhaps Puerta Vallarta and leave the boat there for a while. We briefly considered CUBAR vs the Ha Ha but the sail-oriemted Ha Ha is more our style than CUBAR, even though as a powerboat in a sail-oriented rally, you're a bit of a stepchild. CUBAR seems to have a very strong sense of umbilical cord with mechanics, doctors, agents, etc. I had forgotten about Panama Posse so didn't look at that at all but should have.

When we leave, will be solo which is fine too. Weebles should be launched soon and we'll do some extended sea trials to knock the rust off our cruising chops - up to Catalina or perhaps to the Channel Islands (about 200 nms from Ensenada). Hopefully the old muscle memory kicks in for us both.

What is clear is the cost for these rallies is inconsequential for most boaters in this category. The value derived is highly personal. I'm ambivalent but thought it would be a good glide path for us as a couple. But since we missed the departure dates, will just make due.

What we got out of the “Fee” for being a part of the Panama Posse was really more than we could use.
The PP is not your typical cruising rally. No set departure dates, no set routes and certainly no pressure to cruise in mass group like many other rallies. We did meet up with a ton of cruisers, both sail and power and many are still good friends even though we dont cruise anymore ourselves. You do get discounted Marina fee’s, discounted rental cars. I think they still get discounted costs at many other vendors and stores. But the best part was the wealth of knowledge for virtually all the areas and locations you might travel to. Especially, who to see for checking in or out of countries, what the fees might be and so on.
Now I have no affiliation with the PP other than participating in the rally a couple of years back. I would though highly recommend joining them if you are planning long distance cruising like we did. And your level participation is up to you. If you are planning on staying long term in one place, PP may not help you or have benefits you need, your call.
But if we were to return to cruising, especially south of the US borders, we would join again.
Feel free to PM me if you want any other information regarding the Panama Posse.
Use Crusty. Good info. He can also tell you what to do when you are face to face with 4 party boats as you ride a surge wave into the harbor. Yep had to change the white tighties on that one.....
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