Perkins Counter Rotating

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Feb 16, 2015
Is the starboard counter rotation a typical installation of Perkins T6.354?
Does that mean things like starters and alternators are not interchangeable, port to starboard?
What else?
Diesels in boats do not counter rotate, AFAIK, only gas engine do.
sdowney717; said:
Diesels in boats do not counter rotate, AFAIK, only gas engine do.
So what am I missing when I read the following on "other" boat forums?
On the boat that I had with a pair of 6354s for one of the engines it ran in opposite rotation instead of the gearbox doing so and thus getting parts for it (starter motors etc) was expensive as not common, otherwise good engines.
There are a few parts that are next to imposable to get Like the oil pump for the reverse turning engine . They are dated but otherwise a good engine.
And why would there be a discussion on boatdiesel about it?
Aside from assisting a local forum member getting his starter to a shop for rebuilding I have nothing practical to offer aside from the fact that some of that series is counterrotating.
Aside from assisting a local forum member getting his starter to a shop for rebuilding I have nothing practical to offer aside from the fact that some of that series is counterrotating.
Yes, thanks Craig.
I also found this.


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    LH RH.jpg
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Hawg, we've got the counter-rotating 6.354s in our '84 Fu Hwa. I've just bought the manuals off of eBay. Happily. after 8 days of possession, and about 1000 hrs on the engines, I have not had to deal with finding old, oddball parts affected by the rotation.
rebuilding 6.354 counter rotating

I am building a 1978 Perkins Starboard engine "x" counter rotating engine, 99% done. The starter is counter rotation. the fresh water pump is reverse, but I am stuck on the oil pump, I don't know how to hook it up see pic


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    Perkins Counter R.JPG
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DHeckrotte; said:
Hawg, we've got the counter-rotating 6.354s. I have not had to deal with finding old, oddball parts affected by the rotation.
SteveandZoila; said:
I am building a 1978 Perkins Starboard engine "x" counter rotating engine, 99% done. The starter is counter rotation. the fresh water pump is reverse, but I am stuck on the oil pump, I don't know how to hook it up see pic
Thanks, both of you.
Parts sure won't be any more plentiful down the road and carrying 2 of everything is not a place I want to be.

Good luck with the oil pump Steve.
BTW do you have a part number for that backwards oil pump. Lots of Perkins still around here, maybe I can find one in a barrel some place.
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counter rotation oil pump

My perkins right hand rotating engine book gives the #41314067 , the same as the left hand engine book, 41314067. So I guess it just goes backwards? Still would like to see somebody's twin set up for the hose set u p.
Counter rotation

I forgot, I have been told by an alternators tech, alternators can work turning either direction, But look for ones with straight fans, not directional fans.

I don't get the post either, seems somebody didn't read the topic!
It's ok, Steve, and thanks for your input.
Though the boat in question has other issues as well, it was worth asking the question.
I had a bazzackwards in our previous single screw boat. Most parts are interchangeable except the fresh water pump. Nobody re-popping those, so you have to reverse a rebuild kit. I think there is some info on that at IIRC.
I had a bazzackwards in our previous single screw boat. Most parts are interchangeable except the fresh water pump. Nobody re-popping those, so you have to reverse a rebuild kit. I think there is some info on that at IIRC.
Thanks Tom.
I only remember SOMETHING was weird about it. Maybe the housing was backward, but the impeller was regular. You will have to dig around for that. Sorry.
Another small difference would be the ring gear on the flywheel, the angle cut on the teeth so the pinion can engage easily is cut on the opposite side of the teeth.

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I am building a 1978 Perkins Starboard engine "x" counter rotating engine, 99% done. The starter is counter rotation. the fresh water pump is reverse, but I am stuck on the oil pump, I don't know how to hook it up see pic

Take the oil lines loose from the block adapter and bump starter. Which ever spits is your supply hose from the pump. In general you want flow to go.. pump..cooler..filter..engine.

Hawg, as you have gathered: Yes, some 354 twins have a backwards engine. But pretty rare. lots more out there that spin the same and get counter rotation at the gear.
Thanks, that was my plan "B" I will be starting it as soon as my hoses come in.
Have twin Perkins 6.3544's both are standard rotation with the port transmission changing the rotation. Had it rebuilt in Feb and had to use my housing as they didn't have a replacement on shelf.

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