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President 43 Trawler Yacht 165,000 €

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Chris Collman

Feb 23, 2017
This 14.6 metre trawler yacht was built in 1992 to Norske Veritas clasification ( one of the highest worldwide standards for yacht building) She was purchased from the original owner by me in 2009, at which time I carried out a year long refit, including a full osmosis treatment, ensuring total integrity to the hull for the foreseeable future. The refit included new propellor shafts, new stainess steel water tanks, new electric sea toilets shower fittings, galley sinks, light fittings throughout, fresh water Jabsco pump, immersion heater element, cockpit upholstery, flybridge screens, stainless steel bimini frame and bimini top, Both raw water pumps were removed and reconditioned. Two new alternators were fitted in 2012.
She has been used lightly but regularly for the past 14 years and has been removed from the water annually for antifouling, anode replacement and hull polishing. Engines have been serviced fully bi annually with oils, filters and belt replacement. They have covered 600 hours running in my ownership (2200 hrs at present)
In 2022, my wife and I started to live on board and carry out another extensive refurbishment. Last year it was decided to bring her up to a very high standard to include replacement of all the fore and side deck teak decking. This was a very expensive procedure but one that improved her overall condition immensely. The generator (Onan &.5kva ) was removed and completely reconditioned, together with other main engine maintenance ensuring utter reliability for the forthcoming seasons. We then undertook to replace all the cockpit upholstery, aft cockpit side screens and backdrops, all interior dinette upholstery, new venetian blinds and curtains, new carpets throughout and relining of various bulkheads in more contemporary materials.

She is now offered for sale in pristine mechanical and aesthetic condition and is, without doubt one of the finest examples of a quality trawler yacht available today. As an additional benefit she is currently moored on a very exclusive berth in one of the most idyllic marinas in the Western Mediterranean. This berth should be available to the prospective purchaser, if so required by negotiation.
Mood Swing June 2017.JPG


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She looks to be in great condition. What city is the marina in and how much is the monthly slip rate?
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