Problem Posting Replies

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Senior Member
Sep 1, 2017
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Seaton 56
Have had several attempts to post replies fail:

- always logged on
- different posts
- iPad and PC

after clicking to post the reply redirect to log-on page with message - not logged on (wrong) or unauthorized to post?

Also noticed that the log-on frequently drops out when using the iPad.

Any ideas?
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Could be the location you are trying to post from (ISP). When I am at one location with more security I can't post because the TF site is http and not https. But I have no problem posting at my home internet site.
I sometimes have that same problem when using my cell phone as a hotspot. Works fine on my home network.
Today I have has two posts disappear while writing and getting ready to post with photo inc. I'm on home computer.
Click the "remember me" or "stay logged on" option when you first log on.

I have had some problems w posts disappearing. Enough that I started copying every paragraph (or so) and then just repost if something happens. Never loose a post if I remember to do that.

Lately I’ve been posting on the i-pad w my legs crossed (left over right) and the right side of my hand kisses the keyboard and poof .. there goes whatever. Gotta tilt the pad a little (away on the right side and close on the left) so my hand clears the keyboard. I’m right handed.
Also w the i-pad I accidentally tap the space bar and frequently miss it so I have words run together. Usually separate them just before posting.
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There is an Idle Timeout on the session. This will occur if you're drafting a large response or taking a long time to draft the response. Only submitting GET methods (travesing from page to page) or POST methods (submitting a new thread or response) will reset the Idle Time on the session.

If click "Post Reply" that is really a GET. The Idle Time starts ticking from there. If the session times out, you cannot POST the response.
We use cookies to keep you logged in at page changes. Tick the remember me box as you login and then make sure that you are allowing cookie exchange with the site - otherwise you will be logged out as you navigate around the site.
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