Problem with Navionics on ipad

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Terry Wilkinson

Veteran Member
Jun 6, 2020
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Bertram 38
I’ve been using Navionics on my iPads for years using Bad Elf gps.

Leaving Ensenada the other day it wouldn’t follow me and showed my position to remain at Ensenada.

Any help on this?

I have messaged Bad Elf and sent them some screen shots but haven’t heard back yet, holiday’s.
Not familiar with this method of nav, but have you a way to look at the satellites your ipad is tracking?
I used a Bad Elf and had lots of small issues like the one you describe. I ditched it and bought a Dual and the problems went away.
Assuming you have a reasonably new chart plotter, why not connect the iPad to the chart plotter wireless network and utilize its gps?

I've experienced this behavior with both Raymarine and Garmin in a variety of models over the years. This happens to me when I scroll away from the boat to look at another area. The image stays on that alternate area until I hit "Find Ship" or some similar setting.

The alternative would be annoying if I scrolled away to look at something ahead, and it kept snapping back to teh boat. Once away, how would the device know that you're done looking and want to go back to the vessel??
I have never had this problem with my Garmin chart plotters.

You are using an overgrown cell phone for marine navigation, something it wasn't specifically designed and built for.
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