Raritan ME flushing uphill?

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Jun 12, 2024
I've already been swapping email with Raritan tech guys (very helpful) but I sense they're being careful with their answers.

I need to flush into a higher tank, with a total lift of exactly 4' above toilet outlet. Buying ME with remote sea water pump, and 3 way push button flush.

Not sure I can ask this delicately?!?!?

With no choker valve (I'm told) how do I handle a bowl 1/2 full of water with a large volume of poop floating on the surface?

If I get this wrong, at this spend level, the other half will go absolutely postal on me..... :-(
In installation literature they do not speak about a tank above the toilet. That may explain the reserved answers you are getting. There is a reference to a vented loop being a maximum of 10 feet above the base of the toilet.
Reading that then you should have no problem with 4 feet. BTW use the 1 inch discharge hose, less water needed to get into tank. In answering this I noted that my tank inlet is about 30 inches above the base of toilet.
ME Plumbing.jpg
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You obviously need a joker valve or the effluent in the hose will just drain back into the toilet.

Four feet is doable, but I would make sure to have jokers in inventory.
If it were me, I would do a vented loop at the peak with the discharge going into the tank on the top, or as high as possible on the side. This assumes a straight vertical rise, and then slope down hill to the tank if necessary. I would make the vent line 1/2" and go up several feet before going outside.

I would also flush twice when other than liquid.

Kinda confused about what a vented loop would do on the effluent side except stink.

Just go to the top of the tank and no vented loop needed.
Kinda confused about what a vented loop would do on the effluent side except stink.

Just go to the top of the tank and no vented loop needed.
The vented loop allows the discharge side to drain into the holding tank. Running it outside (the hull) allows fresh air to access the tank in addition to the normal tank vent. It also allows you to push some water with a dock hose, through the vent line to clear any obstruction.

The parts breakdown on my ME shows a joker valve. The manual also shows how high and how far you can pump the sewage. The higher you pump it the shorter distance you can go but the distance is very long. With the 1” recommended discharge hose and a 4’ lift you can pump about 115’,
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