Raytheon SL70

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Knot Salted

Senior Member
Mar 16, 2015
Vessel Name
Knot Salted
Vessel Make
1981 Californian 34 LRC

This old unit performed flawlessly when we really needed it on our maiden trip from Sandusky around the lower peninsula of Michigan four weeks ago. lots of fog! Last weekend, I fired it up just to check it, and got the normal screen, but no targets displayed, and there were plenty of boats all around. Messed with gain and ranges, tried connections at the display - restarted.. --no targets.

Any thoughts? Thanks!
I have the same unit. If you'll open up the radome by removing the screws under the dome cover, you'll see that the power wires are simply slipped into the terminals and secured by a screw. These can come loose and the radome doesn't work. It's an easy check. Ben

I will check that out this weekend. Much appreciated Ben.



You suggested popping open the radome to check connections.

when I did, I found that the motor was turning, but the array was not.

Wiped off the 'belt' (lg o-ring) and used my wife's emery board on the well polished motor pulley.

Works like new.
Ain't it nice when something is simple? and cheap! Great job. Ben
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