Recent transit from Mobile Bay to Pensacola

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Deborah Ann

Oct 17, 2020
Vessel Name
Deborah Ann
Vessel Make
Thompson 34
Hello All,
Has anyone been transiting from Mobile Bay to Pensacola on the ICW? Videos from Orange Beach and Perdido Key look like there may be a lot of possible sand shifts and debris in the channel. Coming down from the Alabama river through the Claiborne Lock early next week then on to Pensacola.
My brother n law just did it . He is somewhere east of Pensacola right now. He is on the Forum as jimbob. You might send him a PM.
Thanks, I'll give it a go. Also any input from sailors transiting the Claiborne lock recently would be appreciated. I understand there is a silt build-up issue at the south end of the lock. My new boat draws around 3 feet and I am trying to avoid getting hung up on the way out of the lock.

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