You also want power to your bilge pumps, just in case.
Maybe one or two LED lights to confuse folks who are thinking about spending the night on your boat.
You have a 12vt fridge as I do? There is a lot to be said for and against a 12 vt fridge. As much as I hate my NovaKool, it does have advantages. Major disadvantage, manual defrost. My solar panels seem to support the fridge/freezer for at least a couple of months, if I am not onboard.
A couple of 130amp solar panels will support charging your batteries plus the misc cycling loads. Gotta have healthy batteries too. Reminds me, I need to swap out my 4D AGM batteries again. They are about 4 years old. Better to change them a year early than discover you dont have enough juice to start your main engine.
Relying on an inverter is not a good thing if you are leaving the boat for a day or more. It has been my experience, inverters draw down the batteries without mercy.
IMO, shutting down battery monitor, CO2/fire detector is totally foolish and your insurance company will not be happy to learn this. They expect/demand you keep all safety equipment in good working order.