Removing the old name

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Nov 12, 2009
I removed the old name last weekend but the letters left a sticky residue on the hull. I've tried acetone and mineral spirits but I can't get it off. Any suggestions?
I used 3 M Adhesive Remover. Then 600 grit wet sandpaper. Worked.
Perhaps StickerOff or Goo Gone.* StickerOff is available through WM but I thought the quantity was rather small.* I have a bottle but haven't tried it yet.* I use Goo Gone around the house and have had good results.* (Plus the price is reasonable)
We used a citrus-based cleaner to get the gummy residue left behind by the vinyl lettering we removed from our boat. The brand we use is De-Solv-It. No residue left, no abrasives, works great. We use for all sorts of things on the boat.
"Goof - Off" * -- (Lowes carries it) is a great paint, gunk, etc remover
Ditto on the Goof-Off. Apply liberally and wait a bit. Works great.
I just removed a lot of residue on plstic laminate cabinets with brake parts cleaner. Need good ventilation.

When we removed the old painted name on our transom, Easy-Off oven cleaner worked best.
Goo gone worked on mine. After I pulled off the letters with help of a heatgun some residue remained the Goo Gone rubbed on with a terry cloth rag took it off.
Steve W
Be very careful with brake cleaner....that stuff will disintegrate plastic...I have seen it. I would only use it on metal. I think it would work in this capacity but it might work "too well" and start eating the boat.....stuff is wicked!!!
Some people say brake cleaner can damage brain cells if used without proper ventilation. I have used it for years and never felt that I needed to be overly concerned. Some people say brake cleaner can damage brain cells if used without proper ventilation.
Hahaha....Steve, you gonna be around this weekend for the SSH Crawfish boil?
No- we hoped to make it but are holding out for the Blessing of the Fleet in 2 weeks. We plan on dressing the girl up and are signed up for the parade. I'll give you a call.
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