Replacement bridge over ICW in Panama City area

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Oct 8, 2007
Panama City area
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Mainship 30 Pilot II since 2015. GB-42 1986-2015. Former Unlimited Tonnage Master
This is not of much concern to trawlers, but the current 50-foot limit Dupont Bridge over the intracoastal at Tyndall Air Force Base just east of PC is now undergoing the rebuilding funding phase. By law, its height will have to be raised to 65 feet. This increased height will allow vessels with clearance requirement over 50 feet to sail into our bay from the Gulf and transit through the ICW all the way to Carrabelle and Dog Island area. That leaves the Marler Bridge over the pass at Destin (49 feet) and a nearby bridge over the ICW at Fort Walton (50 feet) the only fixed bridges less than 65-feet between New Orleans and the end of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in the Carrabelle area (where lots of folks begin the open water transit of the Big Bend). For now, if you have a vessel needing over 50-foot clearance and want to run the ICW between New Orleans and Carrabelle, you must exit/enter at Pensacola and enter/exit at Port St Joe, a straight shot of 102 NM. Entry is now possible to the tricky pass and narrow confines of Destin harbor and the more expansive bay system of Panama City stretching all the way back west to near Destin, but continuous passage - nope. I have sailboat friends who will be pleased, and once all these bridges are rebuilt, I imagine big sailboat traffic along the local GIWW will significantly increase.
Thanks for the update, Rich. The 1965 bridge may not seem like much to look at, but for me it's always been kind of a touchstone arriving or leaving Panama City, either afloat or on wheels.
Thanks for the update, Rich. The 1965 bridge may not seem like much to look at, but for me it's always been kind of a touchstone arriving or leaving Panama City, either afloat or on wheels.

Our eastern gate. Seems this upgrade is in part due to Hurricane Michael four years ago. The cat-5 storm that keeps on giving.
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