Correct, an installment installation. However the shade is up there rolled up, but in a polyethlene shipping cover. The whole thing at the touch of a button will extend over the cockpit when needed. I will try to get a video of the operation of it.
Thanks, Scott. When Scott stopped over he was immediately put to work sorting our a spaghetti tangle of wires, and helping to install a new TV. Nothing is easy on a boat. Nice to have professional help around.
Eric, it can be stopped at any percentage of extension, or retracted completely. However, it can't be turned around towards the front; but it would probably not last long at 27 knots.
I'm assuming you retract it when not on the boat in case the wind picks up. My cockpit shade is fixed and has two supports at the rear but strong winds one day pulled the support tubes out of their sockets. A slip neighbor tied it down for me.
Well, not really, Al. I will be retracted in my absence. It really is a neat trick. I was going to get the manual operated system, but Lou reminded me that we are not young anymore. Imagine that.
She is going to the paint shop Wednesday. They are just finishing up on a 57' sail boat. Here are a couple of pictures of what the Alexseal paint job looks like. They are just polishing and touching up on it now. Click on it to enlarge the photo. That's yours truly taking the picture reflected by the paint. This color is midnight blue. On the shady side it looks black. On the sun side deep blue. Absolutely beautiful. Mine will be black.
It seems like a bunch of maintenance items got compressed into a short time frame. While the boat is out of the water it will be bottom painted, heat exchangers and after coolers serviced, deck and cabin compounded and polished. We are pretty well updated and ready to cruise for several years. Oh yeah, the new dinghy hoist that I ordered from HopCar. will go on after painting. I am anxious to see how that is going to work. Of course Parks gaurranteed that it will be effortless. With all that done it will be time to varnish the exterior teak trim.
I think I am starting to get itchy feet. Besides I have to get out of here before the big rendezvous after the first of the year. I have to keep my beer stash safe.
By the way Scott, I picked up 90 degree adapters for 3 RCA jacks, a coax connector, and an HDMI connection. They made it much easier to get it close to the wall. Thanks for all the help.