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Seeking Trawler in Good Condition in PNW

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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One More Run

Jun 2, 2022
I'm ideally looking for a liveaboard boat for life in the PNW for the next few years while working remote with Starlink, having my family come up for visits in the nice months for some coastal cruising. My boating experience is with a Krogen 42 so I'd love to strike at an opportunity for a similar vessel, however I am very open to others as I continue my search.

Serious buyer, budget around $300k (or hopefully less) in order to realistically accommodate WA taxes, moorage & relocation. Will be in western WA beginning of Oct. for business and would love to make a trip to come see your boat if this sounds like your trawler and you're looking to sell!

39' to 50'
Full Displacement Hull in good condition, preferably solid glass or steel
Single Screw Diesel
Single handed operation feasible, comfortable for two
Blue Water capable
No overland travel for vessel in history or necessary following purchase
Spacious Living Areas (I realize that's subjective)
Holding Tank > 15 Gallons Capacity

Strong Preference: (Not expecting all, but one can dream!)
Average Speed ~ 7 knots / Minimal Fuel Consumption
Large Fuel Tanks / Functional Distance Capacity
Rain Catchment / Water Maker / Large Water Tanks
Batteries are not Wet Cell
Bow/Stern Thruster
Large Fridge
Spacious Engine Room
1 Head
Covered Aft Deck
Holding tank >15 Gals. Not trying to nitpick but seems very small for intended use?

Otherwise I think Yachtworld is your friend.
Good luck... In a boat 39' to 50' I sure agree with > 15 gal black tank being a tiny size to begin sizing up from. Why only one head preferred... to leave more room for other locations??

Two staterooms with one head might be a drag.
Good luck... In a boat 39' to 50' I sure agree with > 15 gal black tank being a tiny size to begin sizing up from. Why only one head preferred... to leave more room for other locations??

Two staterooms with one head might be a drag.

That was my intent, a minimum of 15 gallon black tank, though I would prefer larger and would not be surprised if most models in that size category came with such. That stipulation of 15 gallon minimum came from a liveaboard requirement from a harbor I would potentially like to live in so just thought I might as well list it since it was in my notes.

The preference for 1 head is certainly not mandatory, it was just based off my experience growing up aboard a Kadey-Krogen 42. We only had one head and even with 5 or 6 people on board, we made it work without much fuss. I do agree a second head would be nice when company is aboard, but not necessarily at the sacrifice of more utilized space for 95% of the year when it's just me and my dog. At least that was my rationale! :)
That was my intent, a minimum of 15 gallon black tank, though I would prefer larger and would not be surprised if most models in that size category came with such. That stipulation of 15 gallon minimum came from a liveaboard requirement from a harbor I would potentially like to live in so just thought I might as well list it since it was in my notes.

The preference for 1 head is certainly not mandatory, it was just based off my experience growing up aboard a Kadey-Krogen 42. We only had one head and even with 5 or 6 people on board, we made it work without much fuss. I do agree a second head would be nice when company is aboard, but not necessarily at the sacrifice of more utilized space for 95% of the year when it's just me and my dog. At least that was my rationale! :)

Fully understand your rational...

Back in the 1950's, 60's on NE coast black tanks in private pleasure boats were seldom encountered... took care of decision on container size for that crap - LOL! And, my family of 5, along with most other families of the time had only one head per boat. Showers were seldom included, swimming with bar-soap worked well. But - that really is pretty darn old school... accounting for nearly 3/4 of a century ago... i.e., back in the middle of last century.

Think of the difference of boats in 1950's / 60's compared to boats in 1870's / 80's. Well... there's the answer - now, what's the question?? :speed boat:
3 Oct 22: In case you haven't found anything yet, I've just posted my 38' Cheer Men Europa (1984) for sale on Trawler Forum.
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