September Alaska-Seattle Inside Passage Cruising Opportunity

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Veteran Member
Feb 9, 2016
Vessel Name
Nostra Casa
Vessel Make
C&L Puget Trawler 44
September Alaska-Seattle Return Captain/Crew

I am cruising from Seattle to Juneau this August with the family and had another couple scheduled to bring our boat back to Seattle in September by cruising the reverse trip. They have had some health issues come up that will not allow them to make the trip. I am looking for another experienced couple (or friends) that would love the opportunity to cruise the inside passage this September on a very fit trawler.

I am willing the cover the fuel costs for a seasoned team that can keep proper maintenance on the boat during the return trip. The boat has every safety (added auto engine room fire suppression after survey) and comfort commissioned for these cruising waters and she has been up to Ketchikan twice already.

I am attaching the latest insurance survey done before our trip. Extensive updates have been done even this year including the option of a fully enclosed flybridge, and she is a dream to cruise. Please get back to me if you are seriously available and qualified. We would be looking to have the couple meet us in Juneau the last week in August to hand over the boat and look to have it back in Seattle before the last week in September. Thanks for considering this last minute opportunity.


Kennet Westby
Nostra Casa
1979 Puget Trawler 44'
Seattle WA


  • 2016 Westby 1979 Puget Trawler 44.pdf
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Dang, that whole work thing keeping me from great opportunities.

Good luck on your search. You should be able to find someone to bring her home.
Boating can be like going to a play or a good film. Best way to go is by oneself.

If your experience and health are up to it I'd give serious thought to going solo. How experienced are you in this area? However most yachties think one should be on the way south by August 15. Weather in September is often a wild card. Being cooped up w strangers for days waiting for weather may not go so well .... and no escape. But September can just as easily be perfect weather.

Wanting a crew for safety in numbers is way different than just being very scocial. Is your solo anchoring more or less bullet proof? Fuel system perfect?
Just say'in go'in solo w all the safety things we have today can deliver a truly wonderful experience. What have you done solo in the past and how'd it go?
Not looking for company in remote anchorages

Hi Nomad Willy,

I am looking for an experienced return captain/crew or cruising couple to bring the boat back to Seattle for me in September. I have to go back to work and need the boat back in Seattle. I had plans in place with another experienced couple who have done the trip before. I agree that September can be sketchy or wonderful.

The boat is in pristine shape with all systems in great repair with every safety option. Spares and redundancy wherever practical for her class. If I cant find a good fit for another trawler forum member to bring her back I will hire a delivery captain.

I have owned and cared for our boat for the last 20 years and we want to find someone else who will enjoy her as much as we do for a dream cruise but has the experience to be safe and take care of her as well.
Hey Eric, I'll go with you if Chris doesn't want to.

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