hosting issues ?? Server unresponsive for many days ?

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Dec 26, 2015
Just curious whether I am the only person having problems with ?

I bought their book bundle a while ago (which is a steal at less than $60 for several hardcover books) and every time since that I have been to their site, it does not come up. Times out when trying to load anything but the home page?

Is there any way to contact these folks and have them resolve the problem ?
I just successfully loaded the website from my iPad.

Perhaps you are having more local server issues? Low speeds occur locally during peak periods and can cause your device to time out. I notice has a graphics hungry splash page, even with my bandwidth it loaded slower than it should as its peak time for west coast web use.


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I can get the home page to load, but when one clicks on any of the menu items, that is typically when it times out.

Funny enough, after trying several times unsuccessfully, after posting to this forum I was able to get the "free books" section to load a few minutes later. So from past experience, I think they are simply hosted on a server with marginal bandwidth. At best it is slow, ant worst, no-go.

I am on Comcast cable and can stream youtube HD movies no problem, so I don't think it is my service that is an issue.
That is perhaps it. Thanks for the reminder too, I'd forgotten about the free download and just snagged them both.
Did you get the books?
Try going on at some strange hour when hardly anyone else is likely to be trying.
The website works fine for me using Windows 7 on a desktop. Always has but ------- it is the internet. Probably the best boating related website as far as moving around it, contacting the various people and ordering things I have encountered. Not to mention the content is pretty spectacular but silly back and forth comments will not work, not the intent.

The site use some very bright webmeisters. If you are having problems contact them directly, easy enough to do. Comcast may be the issue too.
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F.Y.I. - The same two free books, "Mariner's Weather Handbook" and "Surviving the Storm" that are currently available on SetSail are both available as PDF downloads here on TF. To access them go to the TF "Library" and then click on "Miscellaneous" and there you will find the two aforementioned free books along with other useful items.
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