SF Bay Area Weather

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Apr 9, 2008
Vessel Name
sunchaser V
Vessel Make
DeFever 48 (sold)
It looks like a big storm is headed into the Bay Area. No time to do a run up the coast. 8 meter seas off the BC Coast so it will move about another 1000 miles stirring up things. It appears to be something Kevin is sending your way Al, Craig and Mark.
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Every 5-6 years we have to have a "storm of the century", apparently this is the week. I took the angel and reindeer off the lawn and retracted the patio umbrella. Playing it by ear to see if it's worth putting away the patio furniture. FEMA will pay for the rest :)
Yes this looks like a doozy. They forecast 21-23' seas off the WA coast, 16+ in the straight, and then the wind waves in Admiralty, the San Juans, and even down the Sound expected to be up to 9'. Biggest I've seen predicted since I have been paying attention for sure.
Yes, this is a big one.

26' off of vancouver island
24' off of Astoria

Hold on!
Ok guys hopping for the best
The legend is, when you get a big blow on the B.C. coast, between the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii) and the mainland, you can see the bottom in the troughs!
Yep it going to rain...
Forecasting high winds

TAKING OFF MY SUMMER CANVAS TOMORROW, Damn looks like will get some of that water back that LA and the Southland wants so badly. Probably a good time to double up dock lines, maybe if your boat is exposed to provide some chafe protection as well. I'm docked in current so drifting trees and such can be a problem. Good time to check for leaks. If anybody has been crossing the Antioch bridge, there has been a constant stream of water hyison ( PROBABLY MISSPELLED) under the bridge. Ladds and River point have cleaned out as of a couple of days ago. With all the hype in the news about this storm and the highway warnings of eminent doom, Do you really think we will actually have a dangerous event this Thursday? Tahoe anyone?
I get a kick out of the weather stations in the Bay Area. They have Storm Tracker Alerts when it rains and now they are talking about the Storm of the Century. Why ? Because we don't get much change in our weather. Hell we'll go 180 days without rain. So now that they have something to talk about it leads the newscast. Having lived in New England, Chicago, Memphis, Norfolk and spending some time in Florida, this storm would be line 8 in the news.

I agree with Scary that logs floating down the river might be a problem, but the wind and rain anywhere else would be almost normal. As for Tahoe I say bring on the snow. I was up there snow skiing last week and it was pretty sad, they need all the snow they can get. 2-3 feet from this storm and another few few next week would be about perfect.
Yup, the weather heralders are having a field day predicting gloom and doom. They live for storms like this!

No doubt, there will be localized puddles...some even reaching into some poorly placed or poorly protected homes. I have great confidence that the junior members of the media will be there en masse to bring the spectacle into each dry living room while the seasoned 'experts' remain indoors.

Sure hope my boat doesn't get wet!!

Winds from the SSE 15 kts with gusts to 30 at my marina (off the port bow). I'm pondering dropping the bimini for the first time, but it's withstood 35G45 in the past.
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Thanks Al for a minute I was beginning to think it was just me that felt that way around...
Geeze, we have 15-30 kts winds from November through to April. When it snows, as much accumulates on the sides of trees and buildings as the ground. You guys are whimps.
Geeze, we have 15-30 kts winds from November through to April. When it snows, as much accumulates on the sides of trees and buildings as the ground. You guys are whimps.


Us too! I dock in that kind of wind probably every other time I bring her in! :blush:
We have a Christmas Boat Parade on Sunday. The storm could screw it up.
Geeze, we have 15-30 kts winds from November through to April. When it snows, as much accumulates on the sides of trees and buildings as the ground. You guys are whimps.

We didn't used to be wimps until we moved to California! Then most of us forgot what real weather is like! In fact, I'm a bit chilled right now as I type this. It's 59 degrees outside/68 degrees inside. I think I'll break out my sweaters!! :socool:

I shoveled more than my share of snow growing up in Chicago. Then I moved out west for college and have never owned a snow shovel in my adult life. I'd like to keep it that way! :D
Hyacinth Report

Went to the boat for a couple of days.
I thought I might get a chance to take her out for some exercise, but no way.

First picture is from my slip, into A dock fairway.
Second is looking North up the main fairway to marina entrance.
Third is a log that floated in.

Probably just as well I stayed put.
Spoke to the marina folks about it, but they did not seem to care much. No one really trying to get in or out anyway, and their fuel is much too high these days to attract buyers.

[Craig, just noticed when I went to post this that I do not seem to have permission to enter "Go Advanced" to post pictures in the SF Bay group, similar to that funky behavior I described to you that will not show the drop-down for the pages. Cannot be my Browsers because Everything else works as expected on TF.]


  • From slip, looking West.jpg
    From slip, looking West.jpg
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  • Main Fairway, looking North.jpg
    Main Fairway, looking North.jpg
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  • Log 2.JPG
    Log 2.JPG
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I hear ya, but we got about a foot of snow last night, the trees are all covered, and it's really quite beautiful. Personally, I like the variety. So Cal drove me crazy while we were commissioning our boat. Every day is the same.
We didn't used to be wimps until we moved to California! Then most of us forgot what real weather is like! In fact, I'm a bit chilled right now as I type this. It's 59 degrees outside/68 degrees inside. I think I'll break out my sweaters!! :socool:

That's funny . . . warmer here today, North of Seattle, than So Cal. . . 68F at 1200 today. Unfortunately, pounding rain and gusting winds to 40 here at the house right now and most of the rivers are reaching flood stage. . . . again!! Wonderful :facepalm:
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Delta Jim-- Does that stuff float on the water or grow up from the bottom? What happens when you run a boat through it? Isn't the marina responible to keep its facilities usable year round?

I have been advised to avoid running through large clumps of it, and so far I have had no bad luck.
The stuff floats in massive clumps down river and then back up with the tide; that is how it normally gets into Antioch Marina.

The thing I have been warned about is the debris, mostly covered logs like below that hide in the stuff. At lower densities of the stuff you can usually see the logs, but much harder the thicker it gets.

Also, the stuff has long, hanging strands of "hemp-like" roots hanging beneath it that can tangle up in the prop.


  • Log.jpg
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[Craig, just noticed when I went to post this that I do not seem to have permission to enter "Go Advanced" to post pictures in the SF Bay group, similar to that funky behavior I described to you that will not show the drop-down for the pages. Cannot be my Browsers because Everything else works as expected on TF.]

Jim, The SF Bay/Delta Cruisers Social Group does not have the photo attachment capability after selecting the GO ADVANCED option. Apparently it's a software limitation, not something we choose or omit. My pics posted there are all from my photo web hosting site, Photobucket.
DeltaJim, your marina looks like my driveway after last week's wind storm. Spent Saturday chain sawing and chopping my way out from under fallen limbs.
30ft waves in SF today? High wind warnings here until 10 PM tonight. 85mph on the coast and 60mph in the valley.
Weather update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weather Update........................

We interrupt your regularly scheduled thread for this important update.........(insert news jingle here)...........

The leading edge of the Storm of the Decade passed through this morning at 0630 with peak winds recorded on this reporter's La Crosse Weather Station of 31.5 mph/27.4 kts. Rainfall has been light to moderate. No signs of local flooding are apparent from my windows. We are pleased to report that there are no injuries at this residence and there has been no property damage. We now return you to your regularly scheduled web-surfing and will interrupt again as conditions deteriorate.

(insert closing jingle here)
Man, I can't wait for it to get south and blow my way. I turned the sprinklers off last week and we need the rain. It offsets my electric bill for these colored lights I strung up.

All kidding aside, this could be a big storm and cause the hillsides to come down here in SoCal. The news reporters are counting on it.

Just don't go out past the break wall. Especially when you can see green water 10' over it splashing down.
Good point, Stretch. We're expecting landslides from the recent burn areas...always a mess and often resulting in property loss. They haven't had time since beating down the fires to reinforce the hillsides.
Enduring yet another storm here in the NE. We're well inured to them. Let us know when you can cruise your boats over for cocktails at the Top Of The Mark and we might sit up and take notice. :popcorn:

Be safe.
Enduring yet another storm here in the NE. We're well inured to them. Let us know when you can cruise your boats over for cocktails at the Top Of The Mark and we might sit up and take notice. :popcorn:

Be safe.

Hey kid!! Get off the lawn!!

This is for California weather...you Downeast fellas get the real thing year in and year out. It's old hat there!!

Go start your own damn thread!! Now get outahere! :D:D
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