Shaft Log Outside Diameter?

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Veteran Member
Feb 17, 2021
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Camano 31
'Anyone with a Camano 31 who has had to replace their dripless shaft seal? If so, do you recall your shaft log outside diameter?
I'm a distance from the boat and need to accumulate parts needed for a haul-out / repair.

if you dont get the info I am on the boat tomorrow night and can measure mine
it is a 2006
Let me know.

I heard from a couple of folks, both of whom have 31's that are a couple of years older than yours and mine. They both came in at 2-1/2 inches for the shaft log. The Canadian-built Camanos are so consistent in their builds, I believe I'm probably safe going with 2-1/2 inches. Do you agree?
Hey Tim
I agree all the same.
When you find out all the parts you need can you email me so I have it on file.
It is one of the last things I need to put in my file and order spare parts for.

Thanks in advance
PS Do you know how to get into the head line in the cabin ?

I'm sorry, but I do not have any details regarding the waste system. It is the one maintenance item that I've religiously outsourced. ;)
I'll be into the head liner for the first time 2-3 weeks from now. Having never attempted the venture before, it'll be a new experience for me. Perhaps if someone views this thread who has the experience can let us know the secrets, we can all save a lot of trauma along the way?
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