Shaft Stuffing Size??

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Veteran Member
Aug 15, 2012
Palm Beach
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Marine Trader 40'
Hi: I'm repacking stuffing box on my 77 MT 40 DC. Not sure how old it is but I've had boat 6 years. The job is tough -impossible without corkscrew tool. Check out attached pictures. Not sure what size to use? The new stuffing in picture is 1/2' and fits in well with a small gap. Anyone know what size to use??
Thank you!


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The 1/2" looks pretty good from here. What size came out?
Gland ID minus shaft diameter divided by 2 should give exact size.
Thanks -Not sure the size of what came out but it looks like ~1/2" squashed for 10+ years...But doesn't shaft OD minus gland ID /2 make it half the size of the gap?
What are the sizes of your shaft OD and the box ID.? The packing will be half that difference.


3" shaft OD and 4" box/gland ID means 1" difference so 1/2" packing.
thanks ...Mechanic at my boatyard says it needs to be tight going in. A little larger than the gap...Thats also what I did on my rudder boxes.
Similar to this video:
...But... I'm reading a lot of posts where people agree w what you say and they all are saying 1/2 the gap. That is my issue/question/quandry...
Assuming the packing isn't swimming in the gap it will expand if there is a bit of clearance and fill that clearance.

Just for safety you might ask if there is an ever so slightly larger packing such as 9/16"

Larger sizes are available but what the increments are I don't know above 1/2".
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Probably a little late to post this now however just in can use an ordinary twist drill to size your packing. Just select a drill, 3/8" for example, and hold it against the shaft with the shank towards the stuffing box. If it's 3/8' packing the drill should just slide into the stuffing box.
Update on Shaft Packing size

We used 9/16. It was tight going in - but worked fine.

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