Sharks attack and sink boat

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Be sure to Google "cookie cutter shark" to understand what happened. That will keep you awake at night.
Maybe the real problem was trying to cross shark-infested waters in an ‘inflatable’ catamaran.

Just one more reason why I’ll never buy an inflatable boat.
Be sure to Google "cookie cutter shark" to understand what happened. That will keep you awake at night.

It's taken decades to stop dreaming about velociraptors, and now THIS!

It attaches itself to its prey with its suctorial lips, and then spins to cut out a cookie-shaped plug of flesh from the larger animal.


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Not sure which is worse, a cookie cutter shark or a Lamprey. :hide: Lamprey's are gross. :D

Strangely, last night YouTube showed me a short video of two guys working close to the water on a drilling rig off Australia. It looked like a group of sharks were attacking a school of fish under the leg of the rig. The guys were a few feet off the water, or so appeared to be based on the camera view. They were on harnesses and such but still. :nonono::lol:

Then I saw the story about the cookies sharks and wondered if that was the type of shark in the drill rig video. Since it was a short video, there was no information.

Aren’t those teeth something else? How would you like that hanging on to your arse?
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