Skinny Rita...

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Scraping Paint
Oct 27, 2016
United States
50 feet long, and a 6 foot beam. (at least that's what it looks like, I dont really know what her beam is.)

Trying to guess beam from the video is difficult. My guess it has more beam than you think, maybe 12'. But they did build them skinny then compared to modern hulls!
Yes, certainly at least 10'. The wheels on that trailer probably are 8-6" at the widest point, the maximum no permit legal width. The hull seems to stick out about a foot beyond that on each side.

Gorgeous. Why don't they build them so sleek anymore? I love that look. I'd hate to take care of that wood though......:ermm:
1981 Dave Martin designed FRP "Trendsetter 40" (43loa) 11' beam. single 235hp Volvo
10 knots at 1.6gph
21 knots at 6.8gph
No difference in wake between 5knots and 21 knots.


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Where has the Martin 40 been all of my life? I found several articles and reviews about it from the day that seemed to be knowledgable and fairly objective - and all positive. I want one.
Where has the Martin 40 been all of my life? I found several articles and reviews about it from the day that seemed to be knowledgable and fairly objective - and all positive. I want one.

Only three were built. Two have been in Ontario for years. Don't know what happened to the third. Only thing that worried me was that running gear being so exposed for ICW and Bahamas cruising. Other than that, an awesome machine.
Good point, but no more exposure than what I have now. Manageable so far. The other thing I noticed when I looked again after your observation: no trim tabs.
Good point, but no more exposure than what I have now. Manageable so far. The other thing I noticed when I looked again after your observation: no trim tabs.

A very good friend of mine was once 3-point hydroplane world champion and a Licenced Master Mariner. He knows more about boats than I could ever hope to. I took him out one day and told him " I'm going to slowly run her up to full throttle, tell me when you see her get on plane". He could not see when that happened. There was no bow rise at all. She stayed level but rose slowly out of the water and the wake was no different at 5 knots than at 21.


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Was that your boat? It just looks all around better and better.
Was that your boat? It just looks all around better and better.

Rebuilt, added hardtop (Corecell & glass, 78lbs.) lived on and cruised for six years until my wife contracted a horrible disease and could not liveaboard anymore. After she passed I bought the Benford 38 in my avatar and started over.
My condolences, sir.

I just found your Dirt free blog. Wonderful work you've done!
Here's a couple more links I found related to Rita:

From the boatbuilder's site who rebuilt the boat.

Woody Boater article from November 2015.

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