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SOLD. - 70' aluminium Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Mar 29, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Trawler 72
We put for sale our 72' aluminum trawler

Loa 72'
Lenght 70'

Beam 19'4"
Draft 5'3"
Displacement 56 T
engine 2 x 705 hp Caterpillar C12 685 hours

Hull need a new paint job

Hull structure, plating, building, welding and welder certificate was agreed and checked by Veritas.
Very nice and strong structure, nice welding.

Actually in France, may be if not sold , next January in south of Portugal or...Romania (we must make a choice/decision soon)

Arrangement are in good condition.

Asking price 760 k $

After the dead of our lovely dog we don't want keep this boat anymore :-(


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I’ll go 250k pending the sail of my current vessel, the low price doesn’t reflect your vessel but the lack of my pocket book being able to afford it. I like it a lot[emoji106]
Sorry to hear of the loss of your handsome friend. Best wishes for your sale.
Sorry that you lost your friend. It is very painful when that happens. We lost our big Lab 5 years ago and the only thing that helped me through it was getting a new Lab puppy the next day.
Sorry that you lost your friend. It is very painful when that happens. We lost our big Lab 5 years ago and the only thing that helped me through it was getting a new Lab puppy the next day.

Thanks for your answer, but my boss oups sorry my wife said : "no more dog on boat"

Because we always lived on boat, and we like "big dog" Dryade was "old" for this bred but still apparently in good shape.
Some problem started with back leg, and the last days on board I had "back pain" my wife helped me, but, may be, we don't do right Dryade had an unknown spleen tumor probably we broken it at this moment ... She got surgery, resist two days , looking better ...and died. We made too much mistakes:nonono::mad:


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I know what it is like to loose a pet. Ive been through it and it is bad. You have my sympathy.

If you truly love your boat and all other things being equal, don't sell it. Here are two reasons not to sell:

1) After any major life change or loss through death or divorce the experts say to NOT make any big changes for at least a year, two would be better.

2)Stability is what you need right now, not another major change caused by selling the boat.

Good Luck in the future,

Because we always lived on boat, and we like "big dog" Dryade was "old" for this bred but still apparently in good shape.
Some problem started with back leg, and the last days on board I had "back pain" my wife helped me, but, may be, we don't do right Dryade had an unknown spleen tumor probably we broken it at this moment ... She got surgery, resist two days , looking better ...and died. We made too much mistakes:nonono::mad:

I think you're being very hard on yourself with no facts to even support it. The health of older pets is always challenging and their ability to survive any tumor or surgery is not that good. The vast majority that have tumors removed, have others before long develop elsewhere. Most commonly they'll have a tumor on their stomach or in a similar area, but that will be followed shortly by cancer spreading to their lungs.

They also have difficulty with trauma and surgery is definitely traumatic. Not at all unusual for a pet to seem to be doing better post-surgery and then soon die overnight.

Sometimes too the treatment is worse than the disease. Whether it's the trauma of surgery or it's a drug regimen. I know Prednisone and other steroids take heavy tolls on the health of humans, but then they're given to cats for liver issues and they treat the condition but destroy the quality of life. Then there's chemotherapy which also takes a huge toll on humans. However, given to a small cat or small dog is many times worse.

You simply provide your pet the most love you can and you try to read in their behavior what is going on, then you make the best decisions you know how to. I am so sorry to see you blaming yourselves as I don't think that's reasonable. Vets lose pets all the time. In fact, one was unable to save your dog, and they have the knowledge.

Yes, we all lose someone near to us, whether human or pet, and second guess ourselves, but we shouldn't. We just do the best we can in life and sometimes that's not enough.

Now, if you choose to sell your boat, that's your choice, but it won't bring your dog back and punishing yourself solves nothing.
Thanks all...sure we know if even she survive the average is 3 month after this type of surgery/tumor
But anyway I don't do the best for my best friend ...


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May be

I will ask of the boat


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I had a dog with a spleen tumour, found when he collapsed overnight after it burst and bled. X ray showed spots of spreading on the liver. At surgery it was confirmed so we did not wake him up from surgery.
We do our best with sick animals, with vet advice. It won`t always work out well and hindsight is not a good way to review what you did. I still struggle with the loss of my last dog(not the one I mention above), so much I have not got another.
Selling the boat because of memories is an extreme action. Can you think about it some more? Try to remember the good times,and not the sad end.
Dogs are not meant to live long lives compared to us. It’s a hard truth to accept. No matter what you do, you will not lengthen a dogs life very much. Most dogs die of some sort of cancer. We can only love them while they are with us, then we have to let them go when they die.
Note : could be delivered anywhere.


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Beautiful boat but way out of my league on price(100K), good luck with your sale, its a great boat you will get 500K at least:)

We put for sale our 72' aluminum trawler

Loa 72'
Lenght 70'

Beam 19'4"
Draft 5'3"
Displacement 56 T
engine 2 x 705 hp Caterpillar C12 685 hours

Hull need a new paint job

Hull structure, plating, building, welding and welder certificate was agreed and checked by Veritas.
Very nice and strong structure, nice welding.

Actually in France, may be if not sold , next January in south of Portugal or...Romania (we must make a choice/decision soon)

Arrangement are in good condition.

Asking price 760 k $

After the dead of our lovely dog we don't want keep this boat anymore :-(
When I read 500k

Beautiful boat

I feel some chock under my left breast :mad::eek:
but luckily it was not an heart attack just my wallet who are crying:facepalm::D

And may be you are asking in ... GBP :blush:


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Please do not sell your boat now.
Put it away; wait; wait some more.
go away from it for a while.
Some new puppies will come your way.
Go look for them.
We had some similar events in the not too distant past.
Found two miniature daschunds; brother and sister.
Still remember their predecessors but the new ones steal your heart all over again.
That boat did not just happen. It is obvious you have a lot of yourselves in her.
I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful Dryade. I am a veterinarian and understand your loss from many perspectives.

From what you describe, your girl probably had hemangiosarcoma, a malignant tumor of he blood vessels. In many ways, it is a plague as it is SUCH a common cancer of large and giant breeds, especially bully and mastiff types.

I, too, have lost a beloved dog to this disease and SO MANY of my beloved patients, and wish you peace and healing.

The loss of our Dog was devastating. To this day, almost 5 years later I still grieve. BUT, I have noticed lately that I catch myself smiling when I think of her (everyday) - or someone will say to me "what are you thinking about, why are you smiling?" And I say - "I was thinking about my Dog". That love is always with you, and will never go away. I'm thankful for every minute of the 13-years we had with her. In time, you will both feel the same. God bless.
Sorry for the excellent Trawler Forum members, I will reply to Long Cours in french...
Désolé que vous décidiez de vendre votre magnifique trawler après la mort de votre chien.
Ne vous laissez pas abattre par les "vendeurs" de bateaux aux US, je pense que le votre pour ce que j'en connais vaut bien ses 760 K$ considérant le taux de change. Mentionnez la TVA si elle est payée ou non cela peut aider un acheteur british ou hors Schengen.

Bon courage pour la suite et n'hésitez pas à me faire signe.

M/V Balder VIII
Marina Lanzarote - Lanzarote Canary islands
je peux vous passer mon cell en what's app
Tanks all for your messages, sure we know for this bred 11 years 7 month 17 days it is a very old dog but she was like 8 years old ...
If she died AND if I done ALL the best I could accept but I made too much mistake ...

To come back to the boat yes she is vat paid .


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I'm very sorry for your loss. Pets are family. You might consider getting a puppy and keeping the boat. I recently lost two cats within a couple months of each other. It's hard but it's amazing how a new family member will cheer you up. Especially when the young ones are so goofy.
Thanks for your message, but we sold our "long-cours.62" who was perfect for our use, to take my old mother with us on a more comfortable boat,
after 3 hours on board she change idea and want come back to house... We keep this boat because she was use full for our old dog (back deck, salon, and kitchen same level) now without dog (except in imagination every where...) we must cut, change, after 3 month we still sad like the first day


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A dog experience in France

Thanks for your message, but we sold our "long-cours.62" who was perfect for our use, to take my old mother with us on a more comfortable boat,
after 3 hours on board she change idea and want come back to house... We keep this boat because she was use full for our old dog (back deck, salon, and kitchen same level) now without dog (except in imagination every where...) we must cut, change, after 3 month we still sad like the first day
Checking into a hotel, as experienced German Shepherd (Bergerac Allemange?) owners we were not worried when the hotel GS dog ran full speed at us barking. We stood our ground, the aggression stopped, he became friendly. His tail was very short, we asked the owner why, he said: "One day my father was using a machine to cut the grass..",we stopped him there, that was enough information, we knew it would have hurt, dogs have nerves along the tail which is an extension of the spine. The dog was friendly during our time at the hotel.
Thanks for your answer, but my boss oups sorry my wife said : "no more dog on boat"

Because we always lived on boat, and we like "big dog" Dryade was "old" for this bred but still apparently in good shape.
Some problem started with back leg, and the last days on board I had "back pain" my wife helped me, but, may be, we don't do right Dryade had an unknown spleen tumor probably we broken it at this moment ... She got surgery, resist two days , looking better ...and died. We made too much mistakes:nonono::mad:

The most painful moment in life is when a dear beloved friend leaves for another world.

He will always be with you.

God bless
Reduced !

For prompt sale :
580.000us$ on as is where is basis
just remove one of the 20kw Kohler generator and replace by a smaller 9 kw Onan only 417 hour.


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Finally no customer

No customer for our trawler... too big ?
We continue to prepare her, after put a newer gen-set, we fix some solar panel now the total is 1200 w for service batteries, 200 w for keep engine starting batteries and 100 w for generator batteries.
Anyway still for sale, but if no customer before the end of March ...we will move with her, no choice.
Before yesterday I made some varnish and one nice ...hair of my dog come , I don't know from where to the varnish... and the varnish was devasted by ...my tear :-:)eek:

Now with the evolution of the rate between us$ and € the price in us$ is 540k usd


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don't start at the end of March because the covid19 arrive 2 week too early
and we was confined before the end of March:nonono:

Still for sale, for all the reason already said.
My wife clearly want a smaller:oops: BOAT ! A smaller boat

Something like our former long-cours62 or even more simple, basic.
LC, why do you say the 72 is too large and you would prefer the 62? There really isn't that big a difference in size. Since your boats seem to be very long and lean, the difference in volume and maintenance is likely linear, not cubed, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just curious.
May be it is not only linear

LC, why do you say the 72 is too large and you would prefer the 62? There really isn't that big a difference in size. Since your boats seem to be very long and lean, the difference in volume and maintenance is likely linear, not cubed, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just curious.

Because the :
62' is 5.03 m beam the 72' is 5.9m it means to large for some lock
62' is 3.18m air draft the 72' is (with arch down !) 4.95m to high for go in some place
62' displacement is 32t the 72' is 58t to heavy for some travel lift

62' draft is 1.30m the 72' is 1.65m lot of nice place we like no are "closed" by this only 0,40m

The surface, for example to paint anti-fouling ;) is around 40% more.

For this beamier , heavier (but ok longer at wl) to navigate at 9.8kts we need the double of liter per nm (ok Long-cours62 is "exceptional" i, consumption :)).
We don't need 4 double cabin, 4 shower/toilet, around 38m2 at deck saloon/kitchen/wheelhouse), 2 aircon, two gensets, two too big engine etc etc

For my mother ( my wife said for the dog because for the "mother in law ....:eek::hide:) she was perfect .
For the dog also but now no need.
The problem is : now we are too old to built a new "long-cours62" and it is difficult to find a boat who fulfill what we want ...or very very expansive ...
Wifey B: I apologize in advance but must ask this. You don't need to answer here but just to yourself.

Before the death of your dog, did you feel this way about this boat? Would you be doing this anyway?

Don't you think over time instead of grieving when you get on the boat, you might find yourselves smiling as you remember your beautiful dog aboard and as memories flash by? You think your dog is now thinking "sell the boat" or more inclined to in his afterlife think "don't you dare sell the boat I loved."

Just be careful of a decision made too early in the time of grieving. My heart reaches out to you, hoping each day is just 1% better or even 0.1%. :)
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