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For Sale: Sold-Albin 36 - Three Belles For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Apr 7, 2010
We are selling our 1978 Albin 36.

Lehman 120 runs great. Engine is all up to date on general maintenance. Last year I went the extra yard and replaced heat exchanger, oil exchanger, transmission cooler, etc... Also replaced all nav lights and spreader lights with the expensive led stuff. There were no problems, just wanted to do it.

Recently, we installed:
New genset (Onan Quiet 5kw eQD - very nice!)
Raymarine autopilot with handheld remote (synced with Northstar Nav system)
120/12volt fridge
Reverse cycle AC/Heat
Alternator and Starter
Fresh water pump
Also re-plumbed all water lines with new pex.
Has electronics up and down, gps, radar, etc...

She needs interior updates and some refreshing/fixing up on the inside. Last winter, I began tracking down any leaks from the flybridge and cleaned and calked all seams. I was going to begin the inside, but then we decided to change direction.

If you know the Albins, you know the hulls are great! No bisters and handles seas extremely well.

Three Belles has been great to us. In fact, we are anchored near Heart Miller Island on the Chesapeake Bay, right now, as I post this add.

We are selling this boat at a great price. Our hope is that someone buys her, enjoys her, and takes care of her the way she will take care of you! We've had 15 great years with her and raised our two daughters with her. Lived aboard for awhile and took her as far as NYC (we anchored behind Lady Liberty). It's hard to believe we are going to part...

So anyway...

First $15,000 gets a great boat.

Bob (410)294-9998


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Would love your boat.wonder how I could get it to Florida which would be my starting point for the loop next spring. With a single engine and no bow thruster it would be a big challenge for me. Any additional pictures? Thanks cliff. 518-222-0109
We went from CT to FL on our 36 foot Grand Banks with a single and no thruster Not a challenge at all.
Albin For Sale


You can make the summer of moving the boat by water.
Most boat haulers charge about $2.00 per foot.

Yes, no thrusters. But hey, that didn't stop John Smith!

Here is another pic.



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We went from CT to FL on our 36 foot Grand Banks with a single and no thruster Not a challenge at all.

What he said. A couple days of practice and you'll be "good enough" to run the boat. After a few weeks you'll be great at it.
I am interested Bob. I am on Rock Creek off the Patapsco one river south of you. I need to sell my sailboat however. It's on the hard getting bottom paint right now. I am not sure how long that will take to sell.

Hi Chuck,

I know where you are. Let me know if you'd like to come by and have a look.
BTW, Just did a full bottom paint job and replaced zincs this spring before launching.

Ford Lehman has 5100 hours.

I decided over the winter to start the process of replacing the tanks as a matter of maintenance. I opened up the floor under the settee and exposed the top of the starboard tank. I cut off the top. I was going to cut the whole thing out but then realized that I could cut the baffling out and drop a new tank right inside (I did my homework and have the model and manufacturer of the new poly tank). I cut the baffling out, ground all edges down, and then meticulously cleaned the tank. Because we decided to downside to another boat, I halted that project and closed everything back up. In short, it is ready to go for the new drop in tank. I'm happy to share more details about this.


I think you mean the port side fuel tank. And yes, the port fuel tank is aye ok! We are running off that tank currently, with no problem.

Interestingly, I'm a bit suspect now over all the hysteria about older tanks, since digging into the starboard side tank. I've now got first hand experience. I decided to go at the starboard one first, because I had water infiltration and the top of the tank had rust. After cutting the entire top off, I could then inspect the tank from the inside. These tanks are 1/4 inch thick steel. It took me 3 days to cut the entire top off and grind the baffles out. I then cleaned the entire tank out, only to find that it was in great shape. The whole time I was wondering why I was doing this. My answer is that I can rest easy at night knowing that I've got solid fuel tanks.

In short, now that the tank top is cut off and the baffles are out, of course dropping a new tank inside is obviously a no-brainer. But given the condition of this tank, I'd think long and hard about going through the effort to replace the other one, given that I believe the reality is that there is no evidence that it would not last longer than most of us will be around.... But in any case, it was good to inspect this first hand.

Islanders, are you interested in seeing the boat? Let me know when you'd like to come by.

three belles

Hi Bob,
I am in RI and interested in the trawler life (life long sailor) I would like to see the boat. I am ready to purchase now.
ron 401-837-0257
Am I reading this ad correctly? The price for this boat is only $15K?
Wow! I wish I was ready to buy right now.
Am I reading this ad correctly? The price for this boat is only $15K?
Wow! I wish I was ready to buy right now.

An EXCELLENT deal. Surprised it isn't sold yet..
If I had cash and could get her moved to my place, I'd owner her today. I'd go through all her systems and rebuild everything, update everything I could, and put her back better than new. Then I would cruise the world, the Great Loop first though.


Apologies all those I've been putting off who were also interested in Three Belles... The first person who looked at her last week gave us a check and we've been waiting for it to clear. It is an out of state check and of a larger amount, so it still will not clear until this coming Thursday. They were so anxious that I wouldn't wait and might sell it to someone else, (which I told them I would), that they came back and gave me half in cash... The title will get signed over this Thursday, after the check clears.

Thanks for everyone who responded and called me.

So you might be asking why we sold Three Belles. Well... we are receiving our new boat this week, a Ranger Tug 31 Command Bridge, so we needed the slip space. The Ranger Tug 31 is pretty much the largest boat you can trailer. And yes, we also bought a trailer.

We are changing up our style of boating. The Ranger Tug does a great, economical cruise at 6 knots, but can also get up and go at 15-17 knots if you want. Also, we can pull her out and plop her somewhere else, ie, the Keys, the Erie Canal, etc., which we are really looking forward to doing.

Once again, thanks to all.



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