Some beautiful women

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Miley what's her name would not make pimple on these ladies rear. IMHO
Lauren Bacall takes the prize. Nobody close, and unlike so many of those, sadly, she didn't become a total wreck as a person or become obnoxious. Funny, we ran into Jane Russell in the waiting area in Cunard's ship terminal waiting to board the Queen Mary 2. Even though she was a million years old and in a wheelchair by then, some people still recognized her and she was very gracious. Died the following year. Katherine Hepburn on the other hand could not have been more obnoxious. In high school I sailed my open-cockpit sailboat on the lower Connecticut River. She had a place on the river. If the wind died and the current and tide was wrong, boats like mine would end up floating toward her dock on the point. Nothing you could do about it until the wind or current changed unless you had a motor or oars (my blue jay had neither), then you'd eventually drift past. She'd come out and scold and shout like she was going to kill you with a baseball bat, shaking her fist. Felt like shouting back, "I can't help it you old witch!
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Three Italian lads were having lunch and the topic of gorgeous women came up- go figure...
First lad states "Ima like Gina Lollabrigida she'sa gotta nice ass."
Second lad says. "You a crazy. Sophia Loren...she'sa da one justa look at those melones...
Third guy says "Hey, my kinda woman isa this Montana Peepoleeni. She'sa the best.
The other two say "Whosa dat? Montana Peepoleeni?
Third lad says....Look ata this news article I cutta outta da paper...

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Greetings, Three Italian lads were having lunch and the topic of gorgeous women came up- go figure... First lad states "Ima like Gina Lollabrigida she'sa gotta nice ass." Second lad says. "You a crazy. Sophia Loren...she'sa da one justa look at those melones... Third guy says "Hey, my kinda woman isa this Montana Peepoleeni. She'sa the best. The other two say "Whosa dat? Montana Peepoleeni? Third lad says....Look ata this news article I cutta outta da paper... MONTANA PIPELINE LAID BY 500 MEN IN 3 WEEKS

LOL. An oldie but goodie. I think my older brother told me that years ago but it was about Montana's sister Alberta.
beautiful women...but more trouble than the boat!

Only girl that never gave me any trouble...:facepalm:


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