I'm tickled every time we acquire a project and I get to throw away, strip, deaccession stuff! I've recycled many LF of knob and tube wiring and tons of iron pipe from this old house. I've pulled endless stray bits of wire and stuff from the various sailboats. And now, I'm pulling 34 years of stuff from Revel. How many generations of radio speakers, television cable, TV, splitters, amplifiers, antennae, telephones, dead icemaker, wire, etc. does anyone need? We don't watch TV here or on a boat; we have cell phones, iPads, computers. There were about 15 life jackets aboard plus the ones we brought. There were five or six long-out-of-date fire extinguishers. Piles of overage and frayed line. One double 30 amp shore power line (that I could barely lift - or bend), three 20 amp shore power lines, the adapter.
I hate to throw anything away; the basement here is proof! It's taking forever to sort, and store the maybe-there's-use-for stuff.
I hate to throw anything away; the basement here is proof! It's taking forever to sort, and store the maybe-there's-use-for stuff.