Sure thing boat???

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Oct 1, 2007
Vessel Name
Floatsome & Jetsome
Vessel Make
Meridian 411
I am on Keith's email list and he has one of those random and automatic email signature attachment with clever little sayings.* This is the one I got today...

"The person who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and
dare.* The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore." - Dale Carnegie

Which supports may arguement of "whatever gets you out there is the boat for you"!

I just thought it was a neat saying and thought of someone on here
*who is a big proponent of the "sure thing" boat.
One run, two zoo, three tree, 4 door, what was the question?
Someone on here?????? Now, let me think.......
Naw, it was a stylistic thing. He was talking about the guys who go for the boom-shaka-laka-boom, drop-dead sexy flush deck motoryachts in a veritable sea of trawlers.

Nice smackdown, btw. lol
It's amazing what you can do with MS Paint. lol

Leave it to the troller crowd to appreciate 120 Lehmans.
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