Swapping Out Engines

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Veteran Member
May 9, 2016
Vessel Make
Cruisers 4270
This guy popped up on my Youtube feed recently.
He bought a 40+ ft Riva, no boating experience that I recall. The engine blew up, and he is tearing it down to swap the engines out.

I will save the episode spoiler, but I don't think this is going to turn out well.
Should be entertaining though...


You can view previous episodes to see what lead up to the failure.
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This guy popped up on my Youtube feed recently.
He bought a 40+ ft Riva, no boating experience that I recall. The engine blew up, and he is tearing it down to swap the engines out.

I will save the episode spoiler, but I don't think this is going to turn out well.
Should be entertaining though...


You can view previous episodes to see what lead up to the failure.

This guy is a MORON to start,

The boat is worth more as it sits than with the new gas motors he plans to install. I cringe when someone so obviously out of his league tries to cobble together a boat like a car.

"Steam lines" as he keeps saying.... WTF!.

Between this guy and the "Adventures with Purpose" dude Oregon is going to get a worse reputation than it already has.

Luckily I fast forwarded through his video so I didn't loose 30 minutes of my life to this crap!

I caught the previous episode where he blew up the engine and it was clear how he was talking that his plans were going to be a disaster in the waiting. Still, this will be entertaining I suppose albeit tragic for the poor Riva he's going to devalue.

The fact that they didn't realize the rubber parts were from the impeller immediately is pretty funny. They clearly have no experience with marine engines.
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